Navigating the academic Swedish software engineering landscape can be difficult. As a Swedsoft activity, I created Swe-SE-SCI to list all Swedish Software Engineering (SE) scholars with permanent positions (>=50%) at Swedish non-profit research organizations. The ambition is to maintain an index of all Swedish SE scholars with first-authored publications in SCI-listed SE journals, i.e., “SSS scholars”. Swe-SE-SCI mines DBLP publication lists to identify typical research topics of Swedish SE research organizations and apparent research interests of SSS scholars.

A reliable and updated index of academic SE in Sweden could bring several benefits. The primary goal is to constitute a gateway for industry to find expertise among researchers – hopefully supporting knowledge transfer, industry-academia collaboration, and more relevant research. Swe-SE-SCI can also be used to find academic partners in new research projects and suitable PhD committee members. The index can also help news media find expert commentary is needed on specific topics.

SE is a diverse field. Swe-SE-SCI organizes the expertise available in Sweden in a format inspired by the “yellow pages” in telephone directories. We tabulate SSS scholars per Knowledge Area (KA) defined by SWEBOK V3.0. By defining a one-to-one mapping between publication venues and KAs, we assign SSS scholars with 1st-authored publications to the corresponding KAs. Venues have primarily been identified using the “software engineering” filter that used to be available on Research.com.

Index Overview

  • Affiliations. The list summarizes 1st-authored SCI publications by SSS scholars currently affiliated with the organization. Topic modeling is used to extract apparent research directions.
  • SSS scholars that have 1st-authored publications mapped to one of the following SWEBOK KAs. All tables list the titles of the corresponding publications.
    • Software Requirements – elicitation, analysis, specification, and validation of software requirements as well as the management of requirements during the whole life cycle of the software product.
    • Software Design – the process of defining the architecture, components, interfaces, and other characteristics of a system and the result of that process.
    • Software Construction – detailed creation of working software through a combination of coding, verification, unit testing, integration testing, and debugging.
    • Software Testing – dynamic verification that a program provides expected behaviors on a finite set of test cases, suitably selected from the usually infinite execution domain.
    • Software Maintenance – problem and modification analysis, modification implementation, maintenance review/acceptance, migration, and retirement.
    • Software Configuration Management – identification of the functional and physical characteristics of a configuration item and controlling changes to those characteristics.
    • Software Engineering Management – planning, coordinating, measuring, monitoring, controlling, and reporting to ensure that software products are delivered efficiently and effectively.
    • Software Engineering Process – work activities accomplished by software engineers to develop, maintain, and operate software.
    • Software Engineering Models and Methods – using models as an approach to problem solving, e.g., notation and procedures for model construction and analysis.
    • Software Quality – the capability of a software product to satisfy stated and implied needs under specified conditions. This KA encompasses specific qualities such as software safety.
    • Software Engineering Professional Practice – the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to produce software in a responsible and ethical manner. Includes human factors and societal impact.
    • Software Engineering Economics – making decisions related to software engineering in a business context.
  • Individual SSS Scholars. Lists all SSS scholars and their apparent research interests based on a word frequency analysis of the titles of the publications (not only SCI-listed work).
  • Signature SSS Works. Presents the titles of all 1st-authored SCI-listed publications by the SSS scholars.
  • Bibliometrics. Presents statistics used to order SSS scholars. The two ratios show the fraction of papers that have been published in SCI-listed SE journals and 1st-authored papers, respectively.

Ordering in a Nutshell

Affiliations are ordered by the number of first-authored SCI publications by SSS scholars. Individual SSS scholars are ordered by their SSS rating – our in-house metric. In contrast to non-decreasing citation-based metrics, the SSS rating fluctuates as it promotes active research focusing on publishing in SCI-listed SE journals. A detailed description is available at the bottom of this page.

Monthly Updates 2025

  • March: New scholars added, both chalmers: 1) Inayat and 2) Alhanahnah. New signature works: 1) Gallina (MdU) – Towards an ontology for process compliance with the (machinery) legislations. (JSEP) 2) Ovais Ahmad (KU) – Strengthening Large-Scale Agile Teams: The Interplay of High-Quality Relationships, Psychological Safety, and Learning From Failures. (JSEP)
  • February: New signature work by Badampudi: Large scale reuse of microservices using CI/CD and InnerSource practices – a case study. (EMSE)
  • January: New signature work by Holmström Olsson: Strategic Digital Product Management: Nine Approaches (IST)
Monthly Updates 2024 (click to expand)
  • December: Neither any new scholars nor signature works.
  • November: New scholar added: Fors (LU). New signature work by Papatheocharous: Context factors perceived important when looking for similar experiences in decision-making for software components: An interview study (JSEP).
  • October: Neither any new scholars nor signature works.
  • September: New scholar added: Abbas (Linneaus U). Gren left for industry (removed). One new signature work: Borg – Adopting automated bug assignment in practice (EMSE).
  • August: New signature works by Börstler and Fucci: 1) Acceptance behavior theories and models in SE – A mapping study (IST) and 2) Evaluating SW security maturity using OWASP SAMM: Different approaches and stakeholders perceptions (JSS)
  • July: Neither any new scholars nor signature works.
  • June: New SSS scholar added: Rico (MIUN). New signature work by Heyn: An empirical investigation of challenges of specifying training data and runtime monitors for critical software with ML and their relation to architectural decisions (Requir. Eng.)
  • May: New scholar added: Henriksson (SU).
  • April: Baudry moved to the University of Montreal (removed). New signature paper by Ovais Ahmad: Early career software developers and work preferences in software engineering (JSEP).
  • March: Mendes moved to Aarhus University (removed). New signature paper by Berntsson-Svensson: Not all requirements prioritization criteria are equal at all times: A quantitative analysis (JSS).
  • February: New signature paper by Jalali: Evaluating user acceptance of knowledge-intensive business process modeling languages (SoSyM). One scholar added: Ahrendt (Chalmers)
  • January: Fixed some spelling discrepancies and polished the lists => Three scholars added: Cristina Seceleanu (MDU), Tiberiu Seceleanu (MDU), and Emma Söderberg (LU). New year => publications from 2013 dropped from “apparent contemporary interests”
Monthly Updates 2023 (click to expand)
  • December: Neither any new scholars nor signature works.
  • November: Two new SSS authors on the list added: Simon Hacks (SU) and Felix Dobslaw (Mid Sweden University). New signature work: Börstler: Developers talking about code quality. (Empir. Softw. Eng.)
  • October: Höst moved to MAU. Hebig removed (now in Rostock). New signature work by Bjarnason: Empirically based model of SW prototyping (EMSE) and Butler: On business adoption and use of reproducible builds for open/closed source SW (SQJ)
  • September: Added scholar Jongeling (Mälardalen). New signature work by Bucaioni: From low-level programming to full-fledged industrial model-based development: the story of the Rubus Component Model. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
  • August: Added scholar Borgström (Uppsala). New signature works by Borg: Ergo, SMIRK is safe: a safety case for ML component in an automatic emergency brake system (SQJ) and Badampudi: Modern Code Reviews – Survey (TOSEM)
  • July: Removed Wohlin (retired). New signature work by Smite: Decentralized decision-making and scaled autonomy at Spotify (JSS).
  • June: Added new scholar: Varró (Linköping University). New signature work by Jolak: Design thinking and creativity of colocated versus globally distributed software developers (JSEP)
  • May: Removed Palma. Two new signature works: Börstler, Double-counting in SE tertiary studies (IST) and Masud, Duality in Computing SSA Programs and Control Dependency (TSE).
  • April: Added Heyn (Chalmers). Two new signature works: Bjarnason, SW selection in large-scale SE: A model and criteria based on interactive rapid reviews (EMSE) and Wohlrab, Explaining quality attribute tradeoffs in automated planning for self-adaptive systems (JSS)
  • March: Added scholars Edison (BTH), Sagonas (Uppsala), Jolak (RISE), and Bartel (Umeå). Olsson (RISE) moved to industry. New signature work by Wohlrab: A negotiation support sys for defining utility functions for self-adaptive sys (REJ)
  • February: Major update: Science of Computer Programming is added to the list of SCI-listed SE journals.
  • January: Added two missing scholars from Stockholm University: Wohed and Jalali. Removed Mellegård (moved to industry). One new signature work by Smite: Work-from-home is here to stay: Call for flexibility in post-pandemic work policies. (JSS) New year => publications from 2012 dropped from “apparent contemporary interests”
Monthly Updates 2022 (click to expand)
  • December: Added scholar Masud (MDU) specializing in software construction. One new signature work: Bucaioni – Model-based generation of test scripts across product variants: An experience report from the railway industry. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
  • November: Removed scholars Steghöfer (moved to industry) and Khakpour (Newcastle Uni). One new signature work: Bucaioni – Modelling in low-code development: a multi-vocal systematic review. (Softw. Syst. Model.).
  • October: Added new scholar: Gren (Chalmers). One new signature work: Klotins – Towards Cost-Benefit Evaluation for Continuous SE Activities (EMSE). Moved Borg from RISE to Admin.
  • September: Two scholars added: Linåker (RISE) and Wohlrab (Chalmers). Two new signature works: Wohlin – Is It a Case Study? (JSS) and Fucci – When Traceability Goes Awry (JSS)
  • August: No new first-authored publications to report. Fixed an affiliation typo. Refactored internal code and test.
  • July: Two new signature works. Torkar – A Method to Assess and Argue for Practical Significance in Software Engineering. (TSE) Alégroth – Practitioners’ best practices to Adopt, Use or Abandon Model-based Testing with Graphical models for Software-intensive Systems (EMSE)
  • June: Three new signature works. Wohlin – Combination of DB search and snowballing in SLRs (IST), Penzenstadler – Benefits of neuroplasticity practices for developers (EMSE), Olsson – SLR of empirical research on quality reqts (RE). Stig Larsson removed.
  • May: Added new scholar: Klotins (BTH). Loconsole moved to West University.
  • April: New signature work by Butler (Skövde): Considerations and challenges for the adoption of open source components in software-intensive businesses (JSS)
  • March: Saddest SWE-SE-SCI update ever. Russia started a war 1,000 km from here. Just before, Sweden lost our SE hero Ivica. Some other updates, but who cares in light of current events.
  • February: Two new signature works. Bjarnason: Inter-team communication in large-scale co-located software engineering: A case study. (EMSE) Bucaioni: Enabling automated integration of architectural languages: An experience report from the automotive domain. (JSS)
  • January: Added new scholar Besker (RISE). Two new signature works: Open Data Ecosystems by Runeson (JSS) and Copula-based Software Metrics Aggregation by Ulan (SQJ). New year => publications from 2011 dropped from “apparent contemporary interests”
Monthly Updates 2021 (click to expand)
  • December: Added two scholars: Strüber (Chalmers) and Asplund (KTH). Two new signature works in JSEP. 1) Wohlin: Evidence-based decision-making for assets in composite sw 2) Bosch: Study on digital transformation of companies in embedded.
  • November: Added missing scholars: Diego Perez-Palacin (Linneaus U) and Fredrik Karlsson (Örebro U). New signature paper by Wohlin: Guiding the Selection of Research Methodology in Industry-Academia Collaboration in Software Engineering (IST)
  • October: Added missing scholar Binish Tanveer, BTH.
  • August: Refactored the Swe-SE-SCI index – a new SAX parser. New signature work by Butler: On Company Contributions to Community OSS Projects (TSE). New 1st-authored paper by Baudry (repair bot).
  • July: Lavesson moved from Jönköping University to BTH. New 1st-authored papers: IEEE SW on software repair bot by Baudry. Testing by Alégroth, Borg, and Flemström. Covid-19 pair programming by Smite.
  • June: Added Hussan Munir, Malmö University. New 1st-authored architecture paper by Bucaioni: Aligning Architecture with Business Goals in the Automotive Domain. (ICSA)
  • May: New signature work by Wohlin: “Challenges and recommendations to publishing and using credible evidence in software engineering” (IST) Ronald Jabangwe returned to a position in industry. Good luck! (removed)
  • April: New signature works by Wohlin and Olsson! “Case Study Research in SE – It is a Case, and it is a Study, but is it a Case Study?” (IST) and “A Validated Model for the Scoping Process of Quality Requirements: A Multi-Case Study” (EMSE), respectively.
  • March: Stefan Cedergren moved to a position in industry. Good luck! (removed)
  • February: New signature work by Alégroth “Characteristics that affect preference of decision models for asset selection: an industrial questionnaire survey” (SQJ).
  • January: Added Ronald Jabangwe. Welcome back to Sweden and RISE in Lund! New signature work in STVR by Cyrille Artho (KTH): Model-based testing of Apache ZooKeeper: Fundamental API usage and watchers.
Monthly Updates 2020 (click to expand)
  • December: Neither any new scholars nor signature works. Good luck to Dr. Çalikli in Zürich! (removed)
  • November: Neither any new scholars nor signature works. KTH updated for completeness through first external pull request. Thx @martinmonperrus!
  • October: Bucaioni (MDH) added. Rose and Alenljung (both Skövde) identified and added. Three new works: “Guidelines to update SLRs”, Wohlin et al. (IST), “Onboarding your Replacement” by Smite & Moe (JSS), and “Modelling multi-criticality vehicular software” by Bucaioni et al. (SoSyM). Good luck to Scandariato at TUHH! (Removed)
  • September: Major revamp of the Swe-SE-SCI index. More knowledge mapping and less ranking by grouping scholars per SWEBOK area. Added new SSS scholar: Piotr Tomaszewski, RISE.
  • August: Added missing SSS scholar: Mira Kajko-Mattsson, KTH. One new “signature work”: When to update systematic literature reviews in software engineering. (J. Syst. Softw.) by Mendes et al.
Swe-SE-SCI affiliations and apparent research topics
Affiliation #SSS scholars #SCI publications Research topics
Blekinge Institute of Technology 20 92 Topic 1: systematic model quality agile test practice learning; Topic 2: requirements large global scale time innovation scheduling; Topic 3: industrial empirical framework estimation distributed models management; Topic 4: development process performance testing effort literature multiprocessor; Topic 5: product decision gui object improvement architecture start
Chalmers / Gothenburg University 20 62 Topic 1: test code companies cloud agile release metrics; Topic 2: quality development systems method support services cost; Topic 3: requirements testing model level quper analysis performance; Topic 4: service measurement large projects data learning web; Topic 5: industrial empirical practice techniques monitoring search violations
Mälardalen University 12 32 Topic 1: component process control complex evolution framework controller; Topic 2: analysis time response architectures systematic messages critical; Topic 3: systems model embedded distributed industrial vehicular end; Topic 4: development modeling models safety modelling design mixed; Topic 5: timing uml level network applications generation product
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 11 30 Topic 1: open estimation model ecosystems architectural platform trade; Topic 2: decision size enterprise data automotive industrial networks; Topic 3: development time technical embedded analysis code modeling; Topic 4: systems architecture cost real models fault innovation; Topic 5: design debt cyber systematic literature source framework
Lund University 8 29 Topic 1: testing model data jastadd method distances systematic; Topic 2: requirements product regression open scale risk communication; Topic 3: attribute development line language design support detection; Topic 4: test grammars analysis reference practices process framework; Topic 5: large selection visual industrial management industry improving
KTH Royal Institute of Technology 7 21 Topic 1: management framework modeling vulnerability security networked models; Topic 2: analysis enterprise corrective risk programs automatic business; Topic 3: model testing checking agile probabilistic tool java; Topic 4: maintenance theory evolution test maturity activities applications; Topic 5: architecture process systems problem cm3 attacks automated
Malmö University 4 14 Topic 1: systems strategic domain; Topic 2: data management ecosystems; Topic 3: embedded digital ecosystem
Linneaus University 5 12 Topic 1: systems self management architecture time control graphs; Topic 2: performance lines resilience assembly task automated resource; Topic 3: service analysis framework autonomic cloud cognitive subscribe; Topic 4: adaptive product aware work programs decentralized machine; Topic 5: qos design middleware applications architectural logp reasoning
Skövde University 6 12 Topic 1: model action public experience practice designing companies; Topic 2: theory identifier digital design saas names analysis; Topic 3: open standards projects lock method mutants involvement; Topic 4: organisations swedish challenges naming project perspective solution; Topic 5: source systems development experiences sector government java
Linköping University 4 10 Topic 1: transformation modeling slicing physical parallel tools formal; Topic 2: incremental modelica analysis programs sustainable automated programming; Topic 3: object languages development cyber metamodeling systems uml; Topic 4: model environment debugging openmodelica equation models framework; Topic 5: language dynamic visual transformations interprocedural testing 2010
Karlstad University 2 8 Topic 1: development interaction kanban large debt; Topic 2: agile analysis teams swarm secure; Topic 3: systematic combinatorial empirical papers generation; Topic 4: testing framework projects safety systems; Topic 5: scale technical preliminary particle applications
Stockholm University 5 7 Topic 1: modeling aspect enterprise records information models governance; Topic 2: analysis language mining capability frameworks service notes; Topic 3: process business drug support semantic attack open; Topic 4: management clinical architecture requirements data event ensembles; Topic 5: processes model health modelling weaving languages development
Administrator 1 6 Topic 1: information change time machine development work large; Topic 2: traceability analysis safety impact quality recovery game; Topic 3: code distribution sessions issues digitalization swedish retrieval; Topic 4: learning models tools student industrial enabling search; Topic 5: requirements context testing systems bug maintainability reports
Örebro University 2 5 Topic 1: component practice inter value public; Topic 2: method analysis development requirements framework; Topic 3: information configuration systems user organisational; Topic 4: security compliance statistical art devising
Mid Sweden University 2 3 Topic 1: communication boundary academia parameter; Topic 2: wireless industry qos automated; Topic 3: industrial sensor networks aware
Uppsala University 2 3 Topic 1: calculi calculus erlang semantics process; Topic 2: programs machine abstract concurrent verifying; Topic 3: fixed efficient spi application database; Topic 4: adapting framework tabled learning broadcast; Topic 5: order contention applied execution search
Umeå University 1 1 Topic 1: android permission; Topic 2: analysis static
SWEBOK Knowledge Area – Software Requirements
Scholar Affiliation RE titles
Jan Bosch Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2016: Delivering Customer Value in the Age of Autonomous, Continuously Evolving Systems. (RE)
Tony Gorschek Blekinge Institute of Technology 2013: A little rebellion now and then is a good thing: Views on the requirements engineering conference. (RE) 2007: Industry evaluation of the Requirements Abstraction Model. (Requir. Eng.) 2006: Requirements Abstraction Model. (Requir. Eng.)
Krzysztof Wnuk Blekinge Institute of Technology 2011: Scaling Up Requirements Engineering – Exploring the Challenges of Increasing Size and Complexity in Market-Driven Software Development. (REFSQ) 2010: Guiding Requirements Scoping Using ROI: Towards Agility, Openness and Waste Reduction. (RE) 2009: What Happened to Our Features? Visualization and Understanding of Scope Change Dynamics in a Large-Scale Industrial Setting. (RE) 2009: Architecting and Coordinating Thousands of Requirements – An Industrial Case Study. (REFSQ)
Daniel Méndez Fernández Blekinge Institute of Technology 2015: Artefact-based requirements engineering: the AMDiRE approach. (Requir. Eng.)
Björn Regnell Lund University 2016: What Is Essential? – A Pilot Survey on Views About the Requirements Metamodel of reqT.org. (REFSQ) 2013: reqT.org – Towards a Semi-Formal, Open and Scalable Requirements Modeling Tool. (REFSQ) 2011: Large-scale feature evolution: Problems and solutions from the mobile domain. (RE) 2008: Can We Beat the Complexity of Very Large-Scale Requirements Engineering?. (REFSQ) 2007: A Quality Performance Model for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Non-functional Requirements Applied to the Mobile Handset Domain. (REFSQ) 2003: An Analytical Model for Requirements Selection Quality Evaluation in Product Software Development. (RE) 2001: An Industrial Case Study on Distributed Prioritisation in Market-Driven Requirements Engineering for Packaged Software. (Requir. Eng.) 1998: A market-driven requirements engineering process: Results from an industrial process improvement programme. (Requir. Eng.) 1998: Combining Scenario-based Requirements with Static Verification and Dynamic Testing. (REFSQ) 1995: Improving the use case driven approach to requirements engineering. (RE)
Eric Knauss Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2018: Continuous clarification and emergent requirements flows in open-commercial software ecosystems. (Requir. Eng.) 2018: T-Reqs: Tool Support for Managing Requirements in Large-Scale Agile System Development. (RE) 2015: Patterns of continuous requirements clarification. (Requir. Eng.) 2015: Research Preview: Supporting Requirements Feedback Flows in Iterative System Development. (REFSQ) 2014: Openness and requirements: Opportunities and tradeoffs in software ecosystems. (RE) 2014: EAM: Ecosystemability assessment method. (RE) 2014: (Semi-) automatic Categorization of Natural Language Requirements. (REFSQ) 2012: Detecting and classifying patterns of requirements clarifications. (RE) 2012: Supporting Learning Organisations in Writing Better Requirements Documents Based on Heuristic Critiques. (REFSQ) 2011: Supporting Requirements Engineers in Recognising Security Issues. (REFSQ) 2009: Learning to Write Better Requirements through Heuristic Critiques. (RE) 2008: Assessing the Quality of Software Requirements Specifications. (RE)
Markus Borg Administrator 2017: Piggybacking on an Autonomous Hauler: Business Models Enabling a System-of-Systems Approach to Mapping an Underground Mine. (RE)
Michael Unterkalmsteiner Blekinge Institute of Technology 2020: Early Requirements Traceability with Domain-Specific Taxonomies – A Pilot Experiment. (RE) 2017: Requirements Quality Assurance in Industry: Why, What and How? (REFSQ)
Mikael Svahnberg Blekinge Institute of Technology 2015: Uni-REPM: a framework for requirements engineering process assessment. (Requir. Eng.) 2013: Uni-REPM: validated and improved. (Requir. Eng.)
Jennifer Horkoff Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2019: Goal-oriented requirements engineering: an extended systematic mapping study. (Requir. Eng.) 2019: Non-Functional Requirements for Machine Learning: Challenges and New Directions. (RE) 2018: Efficiency and Effectiveness of Requirements Elicitation Techniques for Children. (RE) 2016: Interactive goal model analysis for early requirements engineering. (Requir. Eng.) 2016: Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering: A Systematic Literature Map. (RE) 2014: Supporting early decision-making in the presence of uncertainty. (RE) 2013: Comparison and evaluation of goal-oriented satisfaction analysis techniques. (Requir. Eng.)
Richard Berntsson-Svensson Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2017: Is role playing in Requirements Engineering Education increasing learning outcome? (Requir. Eng.) 2015: Selecting creativity techniques for creative requirements: An evaluation of four techniques using creativity workshops. (RE) 2015: A Case Study Evaluation of the Guideline-Supported QUPER Model for Elicitation of Quality Requirements. (REFSQ) 2012: Setting quality targets for coming releases with QUPER: an industrial case study. (Requir. Eng.) 2011: Prioritization of quality requirements: State of practice in eleven companies. (RE) 2009: Quality Requirements in Practice: An Interview Study in Requirements Engineering for Embedded Systems. (REFSQ)
Elizabeth Bjarnason Lund University 2017: The role of distances in requirements communication: a case study. (Requir. Eng.) 2013: Distances between Requirements Engineering and Later Software Development Activities: A Systematic Map. (REFSQ) 2011: Requirements are slipping through the gaps – A case study on causes & effects of communication gaps in large-scale software development. (RE)
Birgit Penzenstadler Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2013: The requirements engineering body of knowledge (REBoK). (RE) 2009: A Requirements Reference Model for Model-Based Requirements Engineering in the Automotive Domain. (REFSQ)
Barbara Gallina Mälardalen University 2007: A Template for Requirement Elicitation of Dependable Product Lines. (REFSQ)
Rebekka Wohlrab Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2024: What Impact Do My Preferences Have? – A Framework for Explanation-Based Elicitation of Quality Objectives for Robotic Mission Planning. (REFSQ) 2023: A negotiation support system for defining utility functions for multi-stakeholder self-adaptive systems. (Requir. Eng.) 2021: Defining Utility Functions for Multi-stakeholder Self-adaptive Systems. (REFSQ) 2020: Collaborative traceability management: a multiple case study from the perspectives of organization, process, and culture. (Requir. Eng.) 2018: The Problem of Consolidating RE Practices at Scale: An Ethnographic Study. (REFSQ) 2016: Collaborative Traceability Management: Challenges and Opportunities. (RE) 2014: Experience of pragmatically combining RE methods for performance requirements in industry. (RE)
Johan Linåker RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2020: A method for analyzing stakeholders’ influence on an open source software ecosystem’s requirements engineering process. (Requir. Eng.) 2017: A Contribution Management Framework for Firms Engaged in Open Source Software Ecosystems – A Research Preview. (REFSQ) 2016: How Firms Adapt and Interact in Open Source Ecosystems: Analyzing Stakeholder Influence and Collaboration Patterns. (REFSQ)
Jelena Zdravkovic Stockholm University 2015: Capturing consumer preferences as requirements for software product lines. (Requir. Eng.)
Francisco Gomes de Oliveira Neto Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2020: Evaluating the Effects of Different Requirements Representations on Writing Test Cases. (REFSQ)
Hannes Holm KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2015: Requirements engineering: The quest for the dependent variable. (RE)
Hans-Martin Heyn Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2024: An empirical investigation of challenges of specifying training data and runtime monitors for critical software with machine learning and their relation to architectural decisions. (Requir. Eng.) 2023: An Investigation of Challenges Encountered When Specifying Training Data and Runtime Monitors for Safety Critical ML Applications. (REFSQ) 2022: Setting AI in Context: A Case Study on Defining the Context and Operational Design Domain for Automated Driving. (REFSQ)
Irum Inayat Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2017: Patterns of Collaboration Driven by Requirements in Agile Software Development Teams – Findings from a Multiple Case Study. (REFSQ)
Beatrice Alenljung Skövde University 2008: Portraying the practice of decision-making in requirements engineering: a case of large scale bespoke development. (Requir. Eng.) 2008: DESCRY: A Method for Evaluating Decision-Supporting Capabilities of Requirements Engineering Tools. (REFSQ)
SWEBOK Knowledge Area – Software Design
Scholar Affiliation Design titles
Jan Bosch Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2016: Tutorial Summary for Speed, Data and Ecosystems: The Future of Software Engineering. (WICSA) 2010: Architecture in the Age of Compositionality. (ECSA) 1999: Evolution and Composition of Reusable Assets in Product-Line Architectures: A Case Study. (WICSA)
Rebekka Wohlrab Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2019: Improving the Consistency and Usefulness of Architecture Descriptions: Guidelines for Architects. (ICSA) 2019: On Interfaces to Support Agile Architecting in Automotive: An Exploratory Case Study. (ICSA)
Alessio Bucaioni Mälardalen University 2024: Continuous Conformance of Software Architectures. (ICSA) 2021: Aligning Architecture with Business Goals in the Automotive Domain. (ICSA) 2020: Technical Architectures for Automotive Systems. (ICSA)
Jakob Axelsson RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2011: On How to Deal with Uncertainty When Architecting Embedded Software and Systems. (ECSA) 1997: A portable model for predicting the size and execution time of programs. (J. Syst. Archit.) 1996: Hardware/software partitioning aiming at fulfilment of real-time constraints. (J. Syst. Archit.)
Mauro Caporuscio Linneaus University 2021: A Machine Learning Approach to Service Discovery for Microservice Architectures. (ECSA) 2020: Decentralized Architecture for Energy-Aware Service Assembly. (ECSA) 2020: Architectural Concerns for Digital Twin of the Organization. (ECSA)
Robbert Jongeling Mälardalen University 2022: From Informal Architecture Diagrams to Flexible Blended Models. (ECSA)
Lars Pareto Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2011: Prioritizing Architectural Concerns. (WICSA)
Saad Mubeen Mälardalen University 2016: On Timing Analysis of Component-Based Vehicular Distributed Embedded Systems at Various Abstraction Levels. (WICSA) 2014: Communications-oriented development of component-based vehicular distributed real-time embedded systems. (J. Syst. Archit.) 2014: MPS-CAN analyzer: Integrated implementation of response-time analyses for Controller Area Network. (J. Syst. Archit.)
Tiberiu Seceleanu Mälardalen University 2007: The SegBus platform – architecture and communication mechanisms. (J. Syst. Archit.)
Nadeem Abbas Linneaus University 2015: Architectural Reasoning Support for Product-Lines of Self-adaptive Software Systems – A Case Study. (ECSA)
SWEBOK Knowledge Area – Software Construction
Scholar Affiliation Construction titles
Martin Monperrus KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2017: Principles of Antifragile Software. (Programming) 2010: Detecting Missing Method Calls in Object-Oriented Software. (ECOOP)
Görel Hedin Lund University 1989: An Object-Oriented Notation for Attribute Grammars. (ECOOP) 1988: The Mjølner Environment: Direct Interaction with Abstractions. (ECOOP)
Peter Fritzson Linköping University 1998: Modelica – A Unified Object-Oriented Language for System Modelling and Simulation. (ECOOP)
Jonas Lundberg Linneaus University 2008: Fast and Precise Points-to Analysis. (SCAM)
Simon Butler Skövde University 2011: Improving the Tokenisation of Identifier Names. (ECOOP)
Abu Naser Masud Mälardalen University 2019: Towards Constructing the SSA form using Reaching Definitions Over Dominance Frontiers. (SCAM)
Felix Dobslaw Mid Sweden University 2020: Free the Bugs: Disclosing Blocking Violations in Reactive Programming. (SCAM)
SWEBOK Knowledge Area – Software Testing
Scholar Affiliation Testing titles
Per Runeson Lund University 2012: Software Product Line Testing – A 3D Regression Testing Problem. (ICST) 2012: It Takes Two to Tango – An Experience Report on Industry – Academia Collaboration. (ICST)
Robert Feldt Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2016: Test Set Diameter: Quantifying the Diversity of Sets of Test Cases. (ICST) 2014: Do System Test Cases Grow Old? (ICST) 2010: Challenges with Software Verification and Validation Activities in the Space Industry. (ICST)
Markus Borg Administrator 2021: Digital Twins Are Not Monozygotic – Cross-Replicating ADAS Testing in Two Industry-Grade Automotive Simulators. (ICST)
Emil Alégroth Blekinge Institute of Technology 2021: A Failed attempt at creating Guidelines for Visual GUI Testing: An industrial case study. (ICST) 2018: Continuous Integration and Visual GUI Testing: Benefits and Drawbacks in Industrial Practice. (ICST) 2017: Overview of the ICST International Software Testing Contest. (ICST) 2015: On the Industrial Applicability of TextTest: An Empirical Case Study. (ICST) 2015: Conceptualization and Evaluation of Component-Based Testing Unified with Visual GUI Testing: An Empirical Study. (ICST) 2013: Transitioning Manual System Test Suites to Automated Testing: An Industrial Case Study. (ICST) 2013: JAutomate: A Tool for System- and Acceptance-test Automation. (ICST)
Gregory Gay Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2024: Message from the Program Co-Chairs; ICST 2024. (ICST) 2023: How Closely are Common Mutation Operators Coupled to Real Faults? (ICST) 2017: The Fitness Function for the Job: Search-Based Generation of Test Suites That Detect Real Faults. (ICST)
Emelie Engström Lund University 2014: Supporting Regression Test Scoping with Visual Analytics. (ICST) 2011: Improving Regression Testing Transparency and Efficiency with History-Based Prioritization – An Industrial Case Study. (ICST) 2010: An Empirical Evaluation of Regression Testing Based on Fix-Cache Recommendations. (ICST) 2010: Regression Test Selection and Product Line System Testing. (ICST)
Alessio Bucaioni Mälardalen University 2021: Model-based Automation of Test Script Generation Across Product Variants: a Railway Perspective. (AST@ICSE)
Francisco Gomes de Oliveira Neto Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2018: Improving continuous integration with similarity-based test case selection. (AST@ICSE)
Konstantinos Sagonas Uppsala University 2023: EDHOC-Fuzzer: An EDHOC Protocol State Fuzzer. (ISSTA)
Cyrille Artho KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2020: Model-based testing of Apache ZooKeeper: Fundamental API usage and watchers. (Softw. Test. Verification Reliab.) 2017: Model-Based API Testing of Apache ZooKeeper. (ICST) 2003: High-level data races. (Softw. Test. Verification Reliab.)
Birgitta Lindström Skövde University 2019: On strong mutation and the theory of subsuming logic-based mutants. (Softw. Test. Verification Reliab.) 2008: Testability of Dynamic Real-Time Systems: An Empirical Study of Constrained Execution Environment Implications. (ICST)
Mohannad Alhanahnah Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2020: Scalable analysis of interaction threats in IoT systems. (ISSTA)
Francesco Flammini Mälardalen University 2009: Automatic instantiation of abstract tests on specific configurations for large critical control systems. (Softw. Test. Verification Reliab.)
Daniel Flemström Mälardalen University 2021: Industrial Scale Passive Testing with T-EARS. (ICST) 2017: SAGA Toolbox: Interactive Testing of Guarded Assertions. (ICST)
SWEBOK Knowledge Area – Software Maintenance
Scholar Affiliation Maintenance titles
Jan Bosch Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2001: Assessing Optimal Software Architecture Maintainability. (CSMR)
Per Runeson Lund University 2003: Test processes in software product evolution – a qualitative survey on the state of practice. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.)
Tony Gorschek Blekinge Institute of Technology 2012: Introduction of a process maturity model for market-driven product management and requirements engineering. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.)
Miroslaw Staron Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2011: Developing measurement systems: an industrial case study. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.)
Dániel Varró Linköping University 2012: Keynote 2: A Bridge Over Troubled Water – Synergies between Model Transformation and Software Maintenance Techniques. (CSMR)
Markus Borg Administrator 2024: Ghost Echoes Revealed: Benchmarking Maintainability Metrics and Machine Learning Predictions Against Human Assessments. (ICSME) 2013: Analyzing Networks of Issue Reports. (CSMR) 2012: Industrial Comparability of Student Artifacts in Traceability Recovery Research – An Exploratory Survey. (CSMR) 2011: In Vivo Evaluation of Large-Scale IR-Based Traceability Recovery. (CSMR)
Martin Höst Malmö University 2005: Performance Prediction Based on Knowledge of Prior Product Versions. (CSMR)
Gregory Gay Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2009: On the use of relevance feedback in IR-based concept location. (ICSM)
Mikael Svahnberg Blekinge Institute of Technology 1999: Evolution in software product lines: two cases. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.)
Terese Besker RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2018: Embracing Technical Debt, from a Startup Company Perspective. (ICSME) 2017: The Pricey Bill of Technical Debt: When and by Whom will it be Paid? (ICSME)
Robert Lagerström KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2008: Using Architectural Models to Predict the Maintainability of Enterprise Systems. (CSMR)
Mira Kajko-Mattsson KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2010: International Workshop on Processes for Software Evolution and Maintenance (WoSEMP 2010). (WCRE) 2008: Outline of an SLA Management Model. (CSMR) 2006: Evaluation of CM (CSMR) 2006: Long-term Life Cycle Impact of Agile Methodologies. (ICSM) 2005: A Framework for the Evolution and Maintenance of Web Services. (ICSM) 2004: Problems within front-end support. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.) 2004: Lesson Learned from Attempts to Implement Daily Build. (CSMR) 2004: CM (ICSM) 2004: Evolution and Maintenance of Web Service Applications. (ICSM) 2003: Problems within Support (Upfront Maintenance). (CSMR) 2003: Infrastructures of Virtual IT Enterprises. (ICSM) 2002: Problem management maturity within corrective maintenance. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.) 2002: Corrective Maintenance Maturity Model: Problem Management. (ICSM) 2001: Taxonomy of Problem Management Activities. (CSMR) 2001: The State of Documentation Practice within Corrective Maintenance. (ICSM) 2001: Evaluating the Predelivery Phase of ISO/IEC FDIS 14764 in the Swedish Context. (ICSM) 2001: Towards a Business Maintenance Model. (ICSM) 2000: Software problem reporting and resolution process at ABB Robotics AB: state of practice. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.) 2000: Preventive Maintenance! Do We Know What It Is? (ICSM) 2000: Prevention Is Better Than Cure. (ICSM) 1999: Experience Paper: Maintenance at ABB (I): Software Problem Administration Processes. (ICSM) 1999: Common Concept Apparatus Within Corrective Software Maintenance. (ICSM) 1999: Experience Paper: Maintenance at ABB (II): Change Execution Processes. (ICSM)
Ulrik Franke RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2009: A Method for Choosing Software Assessment Measures Using Bayesian Networks and Diagnosis. (CSMR)
Piotr Tomaszewski RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2006: A Method for an Accurate Early Prediction of Faults in Modified Classes. (ICSM)
Robbert Jongeling Mälardalen University 2015: Choosing your weapons: On sentiment analysis tools for software engineering research. (ICSME)
Simon Butler Skövde University 2015: Investigating naming convention adherence in Java references. (ICSME) 2011: Mining java class naming conventions. (ICSM) 2010: Exploring the Influence of Identifier Names on Code Quality: An Empirical Study. (CSMR) 2009: Relating Identifier Naming Flaws and Code Quality: An Empirical Study. (WCRE)
Imed Hammouda Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2004: Documenting Maintenance Tasks Using Maintenance Patterns. (CSMR)
Mariam Kamkar Linköping University 1995: Dynamic slicing of distributed programs. (ICSM) 1993: Interprocedural Dynamic Slicing Applied to Interprocedural Data How Testing. (ICSM)
Michael Mattsson Blekinge Institute of Technology 2000: Stability assessment of evolving industrial object-oriented frameworks. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.) 1999: Experience Paper: Observations on the Evolution of an Industrial OO Framework. (ICSM) 1999: Experience Paper: Effort Distribution in a Six-Year Industrial Application Framework Project. (ICSM)
SWEBOK Knowledge Area – Software Configuration Management
Scholar Affiliation CM titles
Jan Bosch Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2014: ESAO: towards data- and ecosystem-driven R&D. (SPLC) 2011: Software Ecosystems – Implications for Strategy, Business Model and Architecture. (SPLC) 2011: Achieving Speed in Legacy Systems. (SPLC) 2009: From software product lines to software ecosystems. (SPLC) 2005: Software Product Families in Nokia. (SPLC) 2004: On the Development of Software Product-Family Components. (SPLC) 2004: Architecture-Centric Software Engineering. (SPLC) 2004: Software Variability Management. (SPLC) 2002: Maturity and Evolution in Software Product Lines: Approaches, Artefacts and Organization. (SPLC)
Görel Hedin Lund University 1998: Product Configuration Using Object Oriented Grammars. (SCM)
Nadeem Abbas Linneaus University 2015: Harnessing variability in product-lines of self-adaptive software systems. (SPLC)
SWEBOK Knowledge Area – Software Engineering Management
Scholar Affiliation Management titles
Krzysztof Wnuk Blekinge Institute of Technology 2017: Agile and lean metrics associated with requirements engineering. (IWSM-Mensura)
Miroslaw Staron Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2019: Information Needs for SAFe Teams and Release Train Management: A Design Science Research Study. (IWSM-Mensura) 2016: A Key Performance Indicator Quality Model and Its Industrial Evaluation. (IWSM-Mensura) 2015: Selecting the Right Visualization of Indicators and Measures – Dashboard Selection Model. (IWSM/Mensura) 2015: Measurement-as-a-Service – A New Way of Organizing Measurement Programs in Large Software Development Companies. (IWSM/Mensura) 2014: Consequences of Mispredictions of Software Reliability: A Model and its Industrial Evaluation. (IWSM/Mensura) 2013: Measuring and Visualizing Code Stability – A Case Study at Three Companies. (IWSM/Mensura) 2009: Ensuring Reliability of Information Provided by Measurement Systems. (IWSM/Mensura) 2009: Using Models to Develop Measurement Systems: A Method and Its Industrial Use. (IWSM/Mensura)
Muhammad Usman Blekinge Institute of Technology 2016: Effort Estimation in Co-located and Globally Distributed Agile Software Development: A Comparative Study. (IWSM-Mensura)
Kenneth Lind RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2011: CompSize: Automated Size Estimation of Embedded Software Components. (IWSM/Mensura)
SWEBOK Knowledge Area – Software Engineering Process
Scholar Affiliation Process titles
Jan Bosch Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2021: Digital for real: A multicase study on the digital transformation of companies in the embedded systems domain. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2018: Ecosystem traps and where to find them. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2006: Expanding the Scope of Software Product Families: Problems and Alternative Approaches. (PROFES) 2005: Software variability: process and management. (Softw. Process. Improv. Pract.) 2005: Staged adoption of software product families. (Softw. Process. Improv. Pract.)
Per Runeson Lund University 2011: A Factorial Experimental Evaluation of Automated Test Input Generation – – Java Platform Testing in Embedded Devices. (PROFES) 2009: Tutorial: Case Studies in Software Engineering. (PROFES) 2001: A Classification Scheme for Studies on Fault-Prone Components. (PROFES) 2000: An Evaluation of Functional Size Methods and a Bespoke Estimation Method for Real-Time Systems. (PROFES)
Darja Smite Blekinge Institute of Technology 2023: The Role of Responsiveness to Change in Large Onboarding Campaigns. (XP) 2022: Half-Empty Offices in Flexible Work Arrangements: Why Are Employees Not Returning? (PROFES) 2021: From Collaboration to Solitude and Back: Remote Pair Programming During COVID-19. (XP) 2020: “When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do”: Cultural Barriers to Being Agile in Distributed Teams. (XP) 2019: Corporate-Level Communities at Ericsson: Parallel Organizational Structure for Fostering Alignment for Autonomy. (XP) 2012: Lessons learned from transferring software products to India. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2012: Socio-technical Congruence Sabotaged by a Hidden Onshore Outsourcing Relationship: Lessons Learned from an Empirical Study. (PROFES) 2009: Why a CMMI Level 5 Company Fails to Meet the Deadlines?. (PROFES) 2008: Pitfalls in Remote Team Coordination: Lessons Learned from a Case Study. (PROFES) 2006: Global software development projects in one of the biggest companies in Latvia: is geographical distribution a problem? (Softw. Process. Improv. Pract.) 2006: An ISO 9001: 2000 Certificate and Quality Awards from Outside – What’s Inside? – A Case Study. (PROFES) 2005: A Case Study: Coordination Practices in Global Software Development. (PROFES)
Krzysztof Wnuk Blekinge Institute of Technology 2016: An Industrial Case Study on Measuring the Quality of the Requirements Scoping Process. (PROFES) 2015: Exploring factors affecting decision outcome and lead time in large-scale requirements engineering. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Daniel Méndez Fernández Blekinge Institute of Technology 2015: A Case Study on Artefact-Based RE Improvement in Practice. (PROFES) 2014: Artefact-Based Requirements Engineering Improvement: Learning to Walk in Practice. (PROFES) 2013: Improving Requirements Engineering by Artefact Orientation. (PROFES)
Miroslaw Staron Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2012: Release Readiness Indicator for Mature Agile and Lean Software Development Projects. (XP) 2011: Monitoring Bottlenecks in Agile and Lean Software Development Projects – A Method and Its Industrial Use. (PROFES) 2006: An Industrial Case Study on the Choice Between Language Customization Mechanisms. (PROFES)
Björn Regnell Lund University 2009: A Measurement Framework for Team Level Assessment of Innovation Capability in Early Requirements Engineering. (PROFES) 2006: Assessing Requirements Compliance Scenarios in System Platform Subcontracting. (PROFES)
Eric Knauss Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2009: Investigating the Impact of Software Requirements Specification Quality on Project Success. (PROFES)
Helena Holmström Olsson Malmö University 2020: Going digital: Disruption and transformation in software-intensive embedded systems ecosystems. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2019: Data Driven Development: Challenges in Online, Embedded and On-Premise Software. (PROFES) 2017: From ad hoc to strategic ecosystem management: the “Three-Layer Ecosystem Strategy Model” (TeLESM). (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2016: No More Bosses? – A Multi-case Study on the Emerging Use of Non-hierarchical Principles in Large-Scale Software Development. (PROFES) 2016: Exploring IoT User Dimensions – A Multi-case Study on User Interactions in ‘Internet of Things’ Systems. (PROFES) 2015: Strategic Ecosystem Management: A Multi-case Study in the B2B Domain. (PROFES) 2014: Towards Agile and Beyond: An Empirical Account on the Challenges Involved When Advancing Software Development Practices. (XP)
Markus Borg Administrator 2016: TuneR: a framework for tuning software engineering tools with hands-on instructions in R. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Martin Höst Malmö University 2012: Modeling the Effects of Project Management Strategies on Long-Term Product Knowledge. (PROFES) 2011: Usage of Open Source in Commercial Software Product Development – Findings from a Focus Group Meeting. (PROFES)
Michael Unterkalmsteiner Blekinge Institute of Technology 2014: A conceptual framework for SPI evaluation. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Efi Papatheocharous RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2024: Context factors perceived important when looking for similar experiences in decision-making for software components: An interview study. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2017: An investigation of effort distribution among development phases: A four-stage progressive software cost estimation model. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2014: Empirical evidence and state of practice of software agile teams. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Mikael Svahnberg Blekinge Institute of Technology 2017: A model for assessing and re-assessing the value of software reuse. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2002: Consensus Building when Comparing Software Architectures. (PROFES)
Emelie Engström Lund University 2010: A Qualitative Survey of Regression Testing Practices. (PROFES)
Richard Berntsson-Svensson Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2019: BAM – Backlog Assessment Method. (XP) 2019: The Unfulfilled Potential of Data-Driven Decision Making in Agile Software Development. (XP) 2017: Measuring Team Innovativeness: A Multiple Case Study of Agile and Lean Software Developing Companies. (PROFES) 2012: Software Architecture as a Means of Communication in a Globally Distributed Software Development Context. (PROFES)
Elizabeth Bjarnason Lund University 2015: An Industrial Case Study on Test Cases as Requirements. (XP) 2012: Evidence-Based Timelines for Agile Project Retrospectives – A Method Proposal. (XP)
Görel Hedin Lund University 2003: Coaching Coaches. (XP)
Panagiota Chatzipetrou Örebro University 2024: Interest in Working Remotely: Is Gender a Factor? (PROFES)
Barbara Gallina Mälardalen University 2025: Towards an ontology for process compliance with the (machinery) legislations. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2020: Quantitative evaluation of tailoring within SPICE-compliant security-informed safety-oriented process lines. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2016: Deriving Safety Case Fragments for Assessing MBASafe’s Compliance with EN 50128. (SPICE) 2015: Ontology-Based Identification of Commonalities and Variabilities Among Safety Processes. (PROFES)
Rebekka Wohlrab Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2024: Supporting Value-Aware Software Engineering Through Traceability and Value Tactics. (PROFES) 2019: Boundary objects and their use in agile systems engineering. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2018: Boundary objects in Agile practices: continuous management of systems engineering artifacts in the automotive domain. (ICSSP)
Deepika Badampudi Blekinge Institute of Technology 2013: Perspectives on Productivity and Delays in Large-Scale Agile Projects. (XP)
Johan Linåker RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2015: Requirements engineering in open innovation: a research agenda. (ICSSP) 2014: On Infrastructure for Facilitation of Inner Source in Small Development Teams. (PROFES)
Muhammad Usman Blekinge Institute of Technology 2020: Compliance Requirements in Large-Scale Software Development: An Industrial Case Study. (PROFES)
Henry Edison Blekinge Institute of Technology 2018: Innovation initiatives in large software companies: a systematic mapping study. (ICSSP) 2016: Software Product Innovation Through Startup Experimentation in Large Companies. (PROFES) 2015: Towards a Software Tool Portal to Support Startup Process. (PROFES) 2015: A Conceptual Framework of Lean Startup Enabled Internal Corporate Venture. (PROFES)
Muhammad Ovais Ahmad Karlstad University 2025: Strengthening Large-Scale Agile Teams: The Interplay of High-Quality Relationships, Psychological Safety, and Learning From Failures. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2024: Early career software developers and work preferences in software engineering. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2024: The Pandora’s box of social, process, and people debts in software engineering. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2017: An empirical study of portfolio management and Kanban in agile and lean software companies. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2016: Insights into the Perceived Benefits of Kanban in Software Companies: Practitioners’ Views. (XP) 2016: Pitfalls of Kanban in Brownfield and Greenfield Software Development Projects. (XP)
Alessio Bucaioni Mälardalen University 2022: Model-based generation of test scripts across product variants: An experience report from the railway industry. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Eriks Klotins Blekinge Institute of Technology 2023: Organizational Conflicts in the Adoption of Continuous Software Engineering. (XP)
Robert Lagerström KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2013: Increasing software development efficiency and maintainability for complex industrial systems – A case study. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Mira Kajko-Mattsson KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2015: Tackling the incompleteness of software engineering education with the ESSENCE kernel. (ICSSP)
Rodi Jolak RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2023: Design thinking and creativity of colocated versus globally distributed software developers. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Piotr Tomaszewski RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2008: From Traditional to Streamline Development – opportunities and challenges. (Softw. Process. Improv. Pract.)
Hussan Munir Malmö University 2015: Software testing in open innovation: an exploratory case study of the acceptance test harness for jenkins. (ICSSP)
Amin Jalali Stockholm University 2018: A hybrid approach for aspect-oriented business process modeling. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2017: Towards capability-oriented business process management. (ICSSP)
Ludwik Kuzniarz Blekinge Institute of Technology 2002: Extracting Initial UML Domain Models from Daml+OIL Encoded Ontologies. (PROFES)
Binish Tanveer Blekinge Institute of Technology 2019: An evaluation of effort estimation supported by change impact analysis in agile software development. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2018: A hybrid methodology for effort estimation in Agile development: an industrial evaluation. (ICSSP) 2017: Effort estimation in agile software development: Case study and improvement framework. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2016: Understanding and improving effort estimation in Agile software development: an industrial case study. (ICSSP) 2016: Hybrid Effort Estimation of Changes in Agile Software Development. (XP)
Irum Inayat Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2023: Safety and security risks management process for cyber-physical systems: A case study. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Fredrik Karlsson Örebro University 2008: Method Configuration: The eXtreme Programming Case. (XP)
Christin Lindholm Lund University 2015: Involving user perspective in a software risk management process. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Sergio Rico Mid Sweden University 2021: A case study of industry-academia communication in a joint software engineering research project. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
SWEBOK Knowledge Area – Software Engineering Models and Methods
Scholar Affiliation Models and Methods titles
Daniel Méndez Fernández Blekinge Institute of Technology 2019: Artefacts in software engineering: a fundamental positioning. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Miroslaw Staron Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2006: Adopting Model Driven Software Development in Industry – A Case Study at Two Companies. (MoDELS) 2005: Properties of Stereotypes from the Perspective of Their Role in Designs. (MoDELS)
Martin Monperrus KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2011: Model-driven generative development of measurement software. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2008: A Model-Driven Measurement Approach. (MoDELS)
Dániel Varró Linköping University 2016: Road to a reactive and incremental model transformation platform: three generations of the VIATRA framework. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2006: Model Transformation by Example. (MoDELS) 2004: Automated formal verification of visual modeling languages by model checking. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2003: VPM: A visual, precise and multilevel metamodeling framework for describing mathematical domains and UML (The Mathematics of Metamodeling is Metamodeling Mathematics). (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Federico Ciccozzi Mälardalen University 2019: Execution of UML models: a systematic review of research and practice. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2018: On the automated translational execution of the action language for foundational UML. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Daniel Strüber Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2020: Variability representations in class models: an empirical assessment. (MoDELS) 2019: Model clone detection for rule-based model transformation languages. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Antonio Cicchetti Mälardalen University 2019: Multi-view approaches for software and system modelling: a systematic literature review. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2013: Managing the evolution of data-intensive Web applications by model-driven techniques. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2008: Managing Model Conflicts in Distributed Development. (MoDELS)
Jennifer Horkoff Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2018: Experiences Applying \hbox e^3 Value Modeling in a Cross-Company Study. (ER) 2014: Strategic business modeling: representation and reasoning. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2014: Evaluating Modeling Languages: An Example from the Requirements Domain. (ER) 2010: Finding Solutions in Goal Models: An Interactive Backward Reasoning Approach. (ER)
Björn Lundell Skövde University 2006: UML Model Interchange in Heterogeneous Tool Environments: An Analysis of Adoptions of XMI 2. (MoDELS)
Javier Gonzalez-Huerta Blekinge Institute of Technology 2013: Defining and Validating a Multimodel Approach for Product Architecture Derivation and Improvement. (MoDELS)
Rebekka Wohlrab Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2020: Modeling and Analysis of Boundary Objects and Methodological Islands in Large-Scale Systems Development. (ER)
Diego Perez-Palacin Linneaus University 2019: A UML Profile for the Design, Quality Assessment and Deployment of Data-intensive Applications. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Alessio Bucaioni Mälardalen University 2023: Reference architectures modelling and compliance checking. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2023: From low-level programming to full-fledged industrial model-based development: the story of the Rubus Component Model. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2022: Modelling in low-code development: a multi-vocal systematic review. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2020: Modelling multi-criticality vehicular software systems: evolution of an industrial component model. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Rodi Jolak RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2022: The influence of software design representation on the design communication of teams with diverse personalities. (MoDELS) 2018: Model-Based Software Engineering: A Multiple-Case Study on Challenges and Development Efforts. (MoDELS)
Ulrik Franke RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2018: What can we learn from enterprise architecture models? An experiment comparing models and documents for capability development. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2014: An architecture framework for enterprise IT service availability analysis. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Hannes Holm KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2014: Automatic data collection for enterprise architecture models. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Robbert Jongeling Mälardalen University 2022: Consistency management in industrial continuous model-based development settings: a reality check. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2021: Identifying manual changes to generated code: Experiences from the industrial automation domain. (MoDELS) 2020: Co-evolution of simulink models in a model-based product line. (MoDELS)
Wolfgang Ahrendt Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2005: The KeY tool. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Amin Jalali Stockholm University 2023: Evaluating user acceptance of knowledge-intensive business process modeling languages. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2017: Supporting aspect orientation in business process management – From process modelling to process enactment. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2015: Enhancing Aspect-Oriented Business Process Modeling with Declarative Rules. (ER) 2015: Static Weaving in Aspect Oriented Business Process Management. (ER)
Lars Pareto Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2012: Concern coverage in base station development: an empirical investigation. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2009: Concern Visibility in Base Station Development – An Empirical Investigation. (MoDELS) 2008: Ontology Guided Evolution of Complex Embedded Systems Projects in the Direction of MDA. (MoDELS)
Kenneth Lind RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2011: A Model-Based and Automated Approach to Size Estimation of Embedded Software Components. (MoDELS)
Saad Mubeen Mälardalen University 2019: Supporting timing analysis of vehicular embedded systems through the refinement of timing constraints. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Simon Hacks Stockholm University 2023: Measuring and achieving test coverage of attack simulations extended version. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Petia Wohed Stockholm University 2005: Pattern-Based Analysis of the Control-Flow Perspective of UML Activity Diagrams. (ER) 2003: Analysis of Web Services Composition Languages: The Case of BPEL4WS. (ER) 2000: Tool Support for Reuse of Analysis Patterns – A Case Study. (ER)
Johannes Borgström Uppsala University 2015: Broadcast psi-calculi with an application to wireless protocols. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Aron Henriksson Stockholm University 2022: Holistic data-driven requirements elicitation in the big data era. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
SWEBOK Knowledge Area – Software Quality
Scholar Affiliation Quality titles
Per Runeson Lund University 2004: Are Found Defects an Indicator of Software Correctness? An Investigation in a Controlled Case Study. (ISSRE) 2003: Detection or Isolation of Defects? An Experimental Comparison of Unit Testing and Code Inspection. (ISSRE) 1998: Derivation of an integrated operational profile and use case model. (ISSRE)
Robert Feldt Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2013: Finding test data with specific properties via metaheuristic search. (ISSRE)
Jürgen Börstler Blekinge Institute of Technology 2016: Beauty and the Beast: on the readability of object-oriented example programs. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Martin Monperrus KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2013: Automated measurement of models of requirements. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Markus Borg Administrator 2023: Ergo, SMIRK is safe: a safety case for a machine learning component in a pedestrian automatic emergency brake system. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Federico Ciccozzi Mälardalen University 2018: Architecture optimization: speed or accuracy? both! (Softw. Qual. J.)
Emil Alégroth Blekinge Institute of Technology 2020: Characteristics that affect preference of decision models for asset selection: an industrial questionnaire survey. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Emelie Engström Lund University 2017: SERP-test: a taxonomy for supporting industry-academia communication. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Richard Torkar Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2003: An Exploratory Study of Component Reliability Using Unit Testing. (ISSRE)
Philipp Leitner Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2017: An Exploratory Study of the State of Practice of Performance Testing in Java-Based Open Source Projects. (ICPE)
Wasif Afzal Mälardalen University 2014: Prediction of faults-slip-through in large software projects: an empirical evaluation. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Panagiota Chatzipetrou Örebro University 2020: Component attributes and their importance in decisions and component selection. (Softw. Qual. J.) 2015: An experience-based framework for evaluating alignment of software quality goals. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Barbara Gallina Mälardalen University 2007: Coordinated Atomic Actions for Dependable Distributed Systems: the Current State in Concepts, Semantics and Verification Means. (ISSRE)
Diego Perez-Palacin Linneaus University 2021: WOSP-C 2021: Workshop on Challenges in Performance Methods for Software Development. (ICPE) 2014: Uncertainties in the modeling of self-adaptive systems: a taxonomy and an example of availability evaluation. (ICPE) 2012: Analysis of bursty workload-aware self-adaptive systems. (ICPE) 2011: Performance sensitive self-adaptive service-oriented software using hidden markov models. (ICPE)
Pontus Johnson KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2018: A Meta Language for Threat Modeling and Attack Simulations. (ARES) 2016: pwnPr3d: An Attack-Graph-Driven Probabilistic Threat-Modeling Approach. (ARES)
Robert Lagerström KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2012: Identifying factors affecting software development cost and productivity. (Softw. Qual. J.) 2010: Architecture analysis of enterprise systems modifiability: a metamodel for software change cost estimation. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Ulrik Franke RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2014: The Distribution of Time to Recovery of Enterprise IT Services. (IEEE Trans. Reliab.) 2012: Availability of enterprise IT systems: an expert-based Bayesian framework. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Cyrille Artho KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2021: Test Benchmarks: Which One Now and in Future? (QRS)
Simon Butler Skövde University 2023: On business adoption and use of reproducible builds for open and closed source software. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Fredrik Asplund KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2015: The Need for a Confidence View of CPS Support Environments (Fast Abstract). (HASE) 2012: Qualifying Software Tools, a Systems Approach. (SAFECOMP)
Birgitta Lindström Skövde University 2007: Generating Trace-Sets for Model-based Testing. (ISSRE)
Simon Hacks Stockholm University 2021: Integrating Security Behavior into Attack Simulations. (ARES)
Felix Dobslaw Mid Sweden University 2019: Estimating Return on Investment for GUI Test Automation Frameworks. (ISSRE)
Christin Lindholm Lund University 2014: A case study on software risk analysis and planning in medical device development. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Maria Ulan RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2021: Copula-based software metrics aggregation. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Francesco Flammini Mälardalen University 2014: A Petri Net Pattern-Oriented Approach for the Design of Physical Protection Systems. (SAFECOMP) 2011: Augmenting Surveillance System Capabilities by Exploiting Event Correlation and Distributed Attack Detection. (ARES) 2005: Using Repairable Fault Trees for the Evaluation of Design Choices for Critical Repairable Systems. (HASE)
Daniel Flemström Mälardalen University 2018: Similarity-based prioritization of test case automation. (Softw. Qual. J.) 2018: From Natural Language Requirements to Passive Test Cases Using Guarded Assertions. (QRS)
SWEBOK Knowledge Area – Software Engineering Professional Practice
Scholar Affiliation Professional Practice titles
Jan Bosch Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2024: The Future Is Already Here. (IEEE Softw.) 2022: AI Engineering: Realizing the Potential of AI. (IEEE Softw.) 2017: Toward Evidence-Based Organizations: Lessons from Embedded Systems, Online Games, and the Internet of Things. (IEEE Softw.) 2016: Speed, Data, and Ecosystems: The Future of Software Engineering. (IEEE Softw.) 2015: Trends in Systems and Software Variability. (IEEE Softw.) 2011: Introducing agile customer-centered development in a legacy software product line. (Softw. Pract. Exp.) 2010: Toward Compositional Software Product Lines. (IEEE Softw.)
Per Runeson Lund University 2006: What do we know about defect detection methods? [software testing]. (IEEE Softw.) 2006: A Survey of Unit Testing Practices. (IEEE Softw.)
Tony Gorschek Blekinge Institute of Technology 2010: A Lightweight Innovation Process for Software-Intensive Product Development. (IEEE Softw.) 2006: A Model for Technology Transfer in Practice. (IEEE Softw.) 2004: Packaging software process improvement issues: a method and a case study. (Softw. Pract. Exp.)
Darja Smite Blekinge Institute of Technology 2025: What Attracts Employees to Work on Site in Times of Increased Remote Working? (IEEE Softw.) 2023: The Future Workplace: Characterizing the Spectrum of Hybrid Work Arrangements for Software Teams. (IEEE Softw.) 2020: The Offshoring Elephant in the Room: Turnover. (IEEE Softw.) 2019: Spotify Guilds: How to Succeed With Knowledge Sharing in Large-Scale Agile Organizations. (IEEE Softw.) 2016: What’s the True Hourly Cost of Offshoring? (IEEE Softw.) 2015: Cost Savings in Global Software Engineering: Where’s the Evidence? (IEEE Softw.) 2014: Virtual Teams [Guest editors’ introduction]. (IEEE Softw.) 2011: A Whisper of Evidence in Global Software Engineering. (IEEE Softw.) 2011: Strategies Facilitating Software Product Transfers. (IEEE Softw.)
Jürgen Börstler Blekinge Institute of Technology 2002: Teaching the PSP: Challenges and Lessons Learned. (IEEE Softw.)
Daniel Méndez Fernández Blekinge Institute of Technology 2018: Supporting Requirements-Engineering Research That Industry Needs: The NaPiRE Initiative. (IEEE Softw.) 2015: Naming the Pain in Requirements Engineering: Comparing Practices in Brazil and Germany. (IEEE Softw.)
Miroslaw Staron Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2025: Laws, Ethics, and Fairness in Software Engineering. (IEEE Softw.) 2024: Testing, Debugging, and Log Analysis With Modern AI Tools. (IEEE Softw.) 2024: Human Aspects and Security in Software Development. (IEEE Softw.) 2024: Bringing Software Engineering Discipline to the Development of AI-Enabled Systems. (IEEE Softw.) 2023: Recent Research Into Infrastructure as Code. (IEEE Softw.) 2023: Privacy, Security, Soft Requirements, and Flaky Tests. (IEEE Softw.) 2018: Industrial experiences from evolving measurement systems into self-healing systems for improved availability. (Softw. Pract. Exp.)
Björn Regnell Lund University 2008: Supporting Roadmapping of Quality Requirements. (IEEE Softw.)
Eric Knauss Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2019: The Missing Requirements Perspective in Large-Scale Agile System Development. (IEEE Softw.)
Helena Holmström Olsson Malmö University 2014: Scale and Responsiveness in Large-Scale Software Development. (IEEE Softw.)
Markus Borg Administrator 2025: Sentiment Analysis for the Masses: How LLMs Changed the Game. (IEEE Softw.) 2024: Requirements Engineering and Large Language Models: Insights From a Panel. (IEEE Softw.) 2024: Requirements for Organizational Resilience: Engineering Developer Happiness. (IEEE Softw.) 2023: Pipeline Infrastructure Required to Meet the Requirements on AI. (IEEE Softw.) 2023: Requirements on Technical Debt: Dare to Specify Them! (IEEE Softw.) 2023: Human, What Must I Tell You? (IEEE Softw.) 2018: Digitalization of swedish government agencies: a perspective through the lens of a software development census. (ICSE-SEIS)
Federico Ciccozzi Mälardalen University 2017: Model-Driven Engineering for Mission-Critical IoT Systems. (IEEE Softw.)
Lars Lundberg Blekinge Institute of Technology 1989: A Parallel Ada System on an Experimental Multiprocessor. (Softw. Pract. Exp.)
Emil Alégroth Blekinge Institute of Technology 2017: Replicating Rare Software Failures with Exploratory Visual GUI Testing. (IEEE Softw.)
Michael Unterkalmsteiner Blekinge Institute of Technology 2018: Process Improvement Archaeology: What Led Us Here, and What’s Next? (IEEE Softw.)
Mikael Svahnberg Blekinge Institute of Technology 2005: A taxonomy of variability realization techniques. (Softw. Pract. Exp.)
Elizabeth Bjarnason Lund University 2017: Aligning Requirements and Testing: Working Together toward the Same Goal. (IEEE Softw.) 2014: Reflecting on Evidence-Based Timelines. (IEEE Softw.)
Birgit Penzenstadler Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2024: Well-Being and Resilience: Developers Thrive! (IEEE Softw.) 2023: From the War in Ukraine to Cannabis Use: Exploring a Diverse Set of Papers. (IEEE Softw.) 2023: AI, Tech, Energy, and Collaboration. (IEEE Softw.) 2022: Software Design Trends Supporting Multiconcern Assurance. (IEEE Softw.) 2022: Bots in Software Engineering. (IEEE Softw.) 2020: When Does Design Help Thinking, and When Does Design Thinking Help? (IEEE Softw.) 2018: Software Engineering for Sustainability: Find the Leverage Points! (IEEE Softw.) 2015: Sustainability and Requirements: A Manifesto. (IEEE Softw.) 2014: Safety, Security, Now Sustainability: The Nonfunctional Requirement for the 21st Century. (IEEE Softw.)
Björn Lundell Skövde University 2022: Effective Strategies for Using Open Source Software and Open Standards in Organizational Contexts: Experiences From the Primary and Secondary Software Sectors. (IEEE Softw.)
Görel Hedin Lund University 2011: Extending Languages by Leveraging Compilers: From Modelica to Optimica. (IEEE Softw.)
Barbara Gallina Mälardalen University 2022: Multiconcern, Dependability-Centered Assurance Via a Qualitative and Quantitative Coanalysis. (IEEE Softw.)
Rebekka Wohlrab Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2021: Why and How Your Traceability Should Evolve: Insights From an Automotive Supplier. (IEEE Softw.)
Johan Linåker RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2023: Open Source Software in the Public Sector: 25 Years and Still in Its Infancy. (IEEE Softw.) 2022: Collaborative Aspects of Open Data in Software Engineering. (IEEE Softw.)
Muhammad Usman Blekinge Institute of Technology 2022: An Ecosystem for the Large-Scale Reuse of Microservices in a Cloud-Native Context. (IEEE Softw.)
Pontus Johnson KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2012: Where’s the Theory for Software Engineering? (IEEE Softw.)
Eriks Klotins Blekinge Institute of Technology 2023: Continuous Software Engineering: Introducing an Industry Readiness Model. (IEEE Softw.) 2019: Software Engineering Antipatterns in Start-Ups. (IEEE Softw.) 2018: Software-Intensive Product Engineering in Start-Ups: A Taxonomy. (IEEE Softw.)
Mauro Caporuscio Linneaus University 2017: Building design-time and run-time knowledge for QoS-based component assembly. (Softw. Pract. Exp.)
Rodi Jolak RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2018: Does Distance Still Matter? Revisiting Collaborative Distributed Software Design. (IEEE Softw.)
Peter Fritzson Linköping University 1995: High-level Mathematical Modeling And Programming. (IEEE Softw.)
Konstantinos Sagonas Uppsala University 2003: Experimental evaluation and improvements to linear scan register allocation. (Softw. Pract. Exp.)
Kristian Sandahl Linköping University 2024: The Magazine at 40: Viewing Requirements Engineering Through a Ruby Lens. (IEEE Softw.)
Imed Hammouda Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2009: Design profiles: toward unified tool support for design patterns and UML profiles. (Softw. Pract. Exp.)
SWEBOK Knowledge Area – Software Engineering Economics
Scholar Affiliation Economics titles
Jan Bosch Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2019: From Efficiency to Effectiveness: Delivering Business Value Through Software. (ICSOB) 2014: ESAO: A Holistic Ecosystem-Driven Analysis Model. (ICSOB) 2012: Building Products as Innovation Experiment Systems. (ICSOB)
Tony Gorschek Blekinge Institute of Technology 2007: 1st International Global Requirements Engineering Workshop (GREW’07). (ICGSE)
Darja Smite Blekinge Institute of Technology 2019: Offshore outsourcing costs: known or still hidden? (ICGSE) 2017: Calculating the Extra Costs and the Bottom-Line Hourly Cost of Offshoring. (ICGSE) 2010: Software Product Transfers: Lessons Learned from a Case Study. (ICGSE) 2010: What Happens, When Software Product Development Companies Go Global? (ICGSE) 2008: Reporting Empirical Research in Global Software Engineering: A Classification Scheme. (ICGSE) 2007: Project Outcome Predictions: Risk Barometer Based on Historical Data. (ICGSE)
Krzysztof Wnuk Blekinge Institute of Technology 2016: The Impact of Internet of Things on Software Business Models. (ICSOB) 2014: Evaluating the Governance Model of Hardware-Dependent Software Ecosystems – A Case Study of the Axis Ecosystem. (ICSOB) 2013: Engineering Open Innovation – Towards a Framework for Fostering Open Innovation. (ICSOB) 2012: Controlling Lost Opportunity Costs in Agile Development – The Basic Lost Opportunity Estimation Model for Requirements Scoping. (ICSOB) 2011: Requirements Scoping Visualization for Project Management. (ICSOB)
Helena Holmström Olsson Malmö University 2023: Strategic Digital Product Management in the Age of AI. (ICSOB) 2017: Experimentation that Matters: A Multi-case Study on the Challenges with A/B Testing. (ICSOB) 2016: Towards ‘Human/System Synergistic Development’: How Emergent System Characteristics Change Software Development. (ICSOB) 2016: User Dimensions in ‘Internet of Things’ Systems: The UDIT Model. (ICSOB) 2015: Towards Continuous Customer Validation: A Conceptual Model for Combining Qualitative Customer Feedback with Quantitative Customer Observation. (ICSOB) 2014: Ecosystem-Driven Software Development: A Case Study on the Emerging Challenges in Inter-organizational R&D. (ICSOB) 2013: Post-deployment Data Collection in Software-Intensive Embedded Products. (ICSOB)
Federico Ciccozzi Mälardalen University 2010: Performing a Project in a Distributed Software Development Course: Lessons Learned. (ICGSE)
Efi Papatheocharous RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2015: Ecosystems and Open Innovation for Embedded Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study. (ICSOB)
Jennifer Horkoff Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2018: Modeling Support for Strategic API Planning and Analysis. (ICSOB)
Johan Linåker RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2015: A Survey on the Perception of Innovation in a Large Product-Focused Software Organization. (ICSOB)
Henry Edison Blekinge Institute of Technology 2023: Experimentation in Early-Stage Video Game Startups: Practices and Challenges. (ICSOB)
Eriks Klotins Blekinge Institute of Technology 2015: Software Engineering Knowledge Areas in Startup Companies: A Mapping Study. (ICSOB)
Rodi Jolak RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2020: The design thinking of co-located vs. distributed software developers: distance strikes again! (ICGSE)
Sergio Rico Mid Sweden University 2023: Starting Collaborations Between SMEs and Researchers in Software Engineering. (ICSOB)
Swe-SE-SCI scholars and apparent contemporary research interests: Click on a header to sort by the corresponding column.
Scholar Affiliation Apparent contemporary interests
Jan Bosch Chalmers / Gothenburg University data, systems, learning, embedded, business, domain, federated, continuous, challenges, management
Per Runeson Lund University data, open, autonomous, industry, testing, experimentation, driving, systems, collaboration, continuous
Tony Gorschek Blekinge Institute of Technology requirements, privacy, systems, continuous, model, agile, developers, data, industry, method
Darja Smite Blekinge Institute of Technology work, large, agile, remote, working, scale, engineers, development, understanding, team
Robert Feldt Chalmers / Gothenburg University test, testing, analysis, learning, data, web, element, empirical, generation, guidelines
Jürgen Börstler Blekinge Institute of Technology code, quality, test, industrial, tertiary, perspectives, invalid, bug, reports, developers
Krzysztof Wnuk Blekinge Institute of Technology requirements, code, large, development, practice, information, diffusion, scale, context, decision
Daniel Méndez Fernández Blekinge Institute of Technology requirements, quality, data, systems, compliance, security, industry, artifacts, agile, model
Miroslaw Staron Chalmers / Gothenburg University code, test, learning, data, design, machine, comparing, models, testing, automotive
Martin Monperrus KTH Royal Institute of Technology repair, code, learning, program, java, automated, production, neural, benchmark, analysis
Björn Regnell Lund University requirements, open, source, magazine, viewing, ruby, lens, share, balancing, objectives
Eric Knauss Chalmers / Gothenburg University requirements, systems, automotive, data, development, challenges, agile, automated, managing, design
Dániel Varró Linköping University models, automated, generation, graph, consistent, language, large, model, code, domain
Helena Holmström Olsson Malmö University data, learning, systems, embedded, business, federated, domain, challenges, framework, digital
Markus Borg Administrator testing, requirements, learning, code, machine, systems, automotive, search, quality, performance
Davide Fucci Blekinge Institute of Technology requirements, quality, test, empirical, development, developers, analysis, systematic, mapping, regulatory
Federico Ciccozzi Mälardalen University model, blended, modelling, industrial, systematic, code, modeling, development, consistency, flexible
Martin Höst Malmö University data, space, developers, open, gaze, development, stories, experiences, conducting, rapid
Lars Lundberg Blekinge Institute of Technology detection, data, learning, trends, adaptive, additive, manufacturing, airborne, tactical, networks
Emil Alégroth Blekinge Institute of Technology testing, gui, industrial, web, element, test, visual, empirical, large, model
Gregory Gay Chalmers / Gothenburg University test, testing, learning, requirements, machine, systems, generation, search, automotive, functional
Michael Unterkalmsteiner Blekinge Institute of Technology requirements, quality, artifacts, regulatory, test, attributes, challenges, large, automatic, analysis
Daniel Strüber Chalmers / Gothenburg University management, variability, robotics, model, models, machine, learning, consistency, graph, automated
Efi Papatheocharous RISE Research Institutes of Sweden literature, context, perceived, decision, making, monitoring, distracted, driving, smartphones, systematic
Mikael Svahnberg Blekinge Institute of Technology evidence, decision, making, identification, usage, assets, composite, roadmap, systematic, literature
Antonio Cicchetti Mälardalen University model, systems, industrial, modelling, system, systematic, code, consistency, physical, framework
Emelie Engström Lund University industrial, bug, practice, industry, autonomous, invalid, reports, systems, testing, early
Nauman Bin Ali Blekinge Institute of Technology quality, industrial, reviews, tertiary, code, test, invalid, bug, reports, attributes
Richard Torkar Chalmers / Gothenburg University analysis, bayesian, data, empirical, requirements, code, impact, programming, applying, causal
Jennifer Horkoff Chalmers / Gothenburg University requirements, machine, learning, systems, design, models, automotive, functional, challenges, pattern
Richard Berntsson-Svensson Chalmers / Gothenburg University requirements, conflicts, agile, development, prioritization, criteria, equal, times, quantitative, analysis
Elizabeth Bjarnason Lund University prototyping, experimentation, requirements, health, model, startups, continuous, well, aging, large
Birgit Penzenstadler Chalmers / Gothenburg University sustainability, requirements, awareness, framework, development, design, sustainable, developers, preface, systems
Philipp Leitner Chalmers / Gothenburg University microservices, performance, learning, empirical, systems, graph, code, human, impact, microbenchmark
Björn Lundell Skövde University open, source, lock, effects, saas, public, sector, solution, organisations, adoption
Görel Hedin Lund University analysis, iot, systems, property, probes, exploration, program, results, framework, code
Wasif Afzal Mälardalen University test, testing, model, industrial, systems, framework, embedded, quality, system, tests
Welf Löwe Linneaus University metrics, image, log, skeleton, avatar, analysis, context, activity, detection, anti
Panagiota Chatzipetrou Örebro University companies, requirements, attributes, test, importance, challenges, continuous, integration, environments, model
Barbara Gallina Mälardalen University compliance, safety, process, assurance, socio, technical, checking, quantitative, systems, ontology
Bestoun S. Ahmed Karlstad University testing, framework, industrial, test, applications, systems, iot, machine, quality, drift
Javier Gonzalez-Huerta Blekinge Institute of Technology code, debt, technical, development, ownership, quality, working, home, large, scale
Rebekka Wohlrab Chalmers / Gothenburg University systems, quality, automotive, traceability, adaptive, self, supporting, explaining, tradeoffs, goals
Deepika Badampudi Blekinge Institute of Technology reuse, microservices, large, scale, innersource, practices, systematic, industrial, literature, context
Diego Perez-Palacin Linneaus University systems, adaptive, digital, twin, uncertainty, organization, conceptual, architectural, self, characterization
Johan Linåker RISE Research Institutes of Sweden open, data, source, ecosystems, sharing, ecosystem, sector, literature, sustaining, perspective
Muhammad Usman Blekinge Institute of Technology reuse, industrial, source, code, empirical, tertiary, metrics, quality, systematic, literature
Terese Besker RISE Research Institutes of Sweden debt, technical, systematic, management, tools, broken, windows, theory, applies, pulse
Henry Edison Blekinge Institute of Technology startups, development, literature, experimentation, model, practices, adoption, systematic, large, historical
Muhammad Ovais Ahmad Karlstad University development, debt, agile, large, scale, technical, projects, psychological, safety, social
Alessio Bucaioni Mälardalen University model, automotive, architectures, systems, development, systematic, mapping, modelling, experience, industry
Pontus Johnson KTH Royal Institute of Technology cyber, security, attack, language, response, reinforcement, learning, modeling, simulation, structural
Jonas Gamalielsson Skövde University open, source, lock, effects, saas, public, sector, solution, organisations, adoption
Jakob Axelsson RISE Research Institutes of Sweden systems, system, constituent, capabilities, design, ecosystems, systematic, literature, core, ontology
Eriks Klotins Blekinge Institute of Technology working, continuous, work, remote, model, covid, requirements, attracts, employees, site
Robert Lagerström KTH Royal Institute of Technology attack, security, threat, modeling, cyber, literature, language, simulations, simulation, domain
Mauro Caporuscio Linneaus University digital, self, twin, service, learning, adaptive, systems, organization, architecture, decentralized
Mira Kajko-Mattsson KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Rodi Jolak RISE Research Institutes of Sweden design, security, modeling, assurance, automotive, systems, communication, framework, collaborative, thinking
Jelena Zdravkovic Stockholm University digital, business, method, ecosystems, requirements, data, ecosystem, design, elicitation, systematic
Peter Fritzson Linköping University openmodelica, environment, sustainable, cyber, physical, systems, digital, twins, development, building
Ulrik Franke RISE Research Institutes of Sweden swedish, cyber, data, cybersecurity, insurance, sector, administrative, security, threat, census
Francisco Gomes de Oliveira Neto Chalmers / Gothenburg University test, testing, industrial, human, learning, analysis, challenges, code, exploring, detection
Piotr Tomaszewski RISE Research Institutes of Sweden safe, ergo, smirk, safety, machine, learning, component, pedestrian, automatic, emergency
Hussan Munir Malmö University quality, characteristics, iot, systems, learnings, industry, enhancing, visual, odometry, estimation
Konstantinos Sagonas Uppsala University protocol, implementations, state, stateless, model, checking, testing, fuzzer, network, symbolic
Hannes Holm KTH Royal Institute of Technology emulation, red, team, tool, realistic, balanced, automated, threat, lore, hide
Kristian Sandahl Linköping University continuous, test, integration, testing, learning, industrial, information, needs, delivery, flaky
Cyrille Artho KTH Royal Institute of Technology smart, contracts, oracle, testing, iot, industrial, vulnerability, exploit, rust, spark
Jonas Lundberg Linneaus University traffic, control, design, air, visual, human, analytics, time, automation, support
Robbert Jongeling Mälardalen University consistency, model, industrial, code, models, flexible, exploring, behaviours, generated, polyglot
Simon Butler Skövde University open, source, adoption, hardware, projects, business, reproducible, builds, closed, considerations
Hans-Martin Heyn Chalmers / Gothenburg University requirements, systems, challenges, data, automotive, perception, investigation, learning, automated, development
Cristina Seceleanu Mälardalen University verification, systems, autonomous, uppaal, framework, synthesis, mission, agents, modeling, ros
Wolfgang Ahrendt Chalmers / Gothenburg University introduction, safe, specification, logic, smart, verification, tests, methods, formal, contracts
Patrik Berander Malmö University
Amin Jalali Stockholm University process, object, graph, centric, mining, learning, systematic, literature, drug, evaluating
Ludwik Kuzniarz Blekinge Institute of Technology
Pasqualina Potena RISE Research Institutes of Sweden test, performance, testing, smart, reinforcement, learning, agent, next, level, automation
Imed Hammouda Chalmers / Gothenburg University disaster, domain, implementation, fair, principles, ontologies, systematic, literature, pattern, knowledge
Fredrik Asplund KTH Royal Institute of Technology knowledge, boundary, skills, collision, reference, architectures, objects, system, properties, empirical
Abu Naser Masud Mälardalen University control, computation, weak, closure, programs, computing, efficient, minimal, interprocedural, static
Lars Pareto Chalmers / Gothenburg University
Kenneth Lind RISE Research Institutes of Sweden continuous, contrasting, big, bang, integration, defect, reports, dependencies, barrier, innovation
Binish Tanveer Blekinge Institute of Technology citation, ownership, contribution, align, socio, technical, dependencies, large, scale, development
Irum Inayat Chalmers / Gothenburg University security, cyber, physical, systems, analysis, safety, automated, ontology, requirements, context
Mariam Kamkar Linköping University concurrency, progvis, memory, model, pilot, visualization, tool, object, graphs, shared
Birgitta Lindström Skövde University fuzzy, logic, influence, maximization, social, networks
Michael Mattsson Blekinge Institute of Technology characteristics, affect, preference, decision, models, asset, selection, industrial, questionnaire
Saad Mubeen Mälardalen University time, tsn, systems, networks, real, scheduling, analysis, end, edge, industrial
Alexandre Bartel Umeå University java, android, vulnerabilities, apps, security, virtual, machine, depth, detection, raicc
Fredrik Karlsson Örebro University information, security, policies, analysis, policy, method, compliance, computerized, qualitative, content
Jeremy Rose Skövde University mobile, information, security, management, small, organisation, technology, upgrades, policy, evolving
Simon Hacks Stockholm University architecture, enterprise, attack, language, model, modeling, method, models, security, simulation
Felix Dobslaw Mid Sweden University testing, source, boundary, learning, programming, automated, industrial, test, value, open
Mohannad Alhanahnah Chalmers / Gothenburg University systems, learning, machine, bloated, vulnerable, debloating, interaction, threats, iot, sok
Niklas Fors Lund University analysis, property, probes, exploration, program, results, framework, code, iot, systems
Niklas Lavesson Blekinge Institute of Technology learning, machine, systems, monitoring, status, quo, shooting, handwritten, digit, detection
Tiberiu Seceleanu Mälardalen University systems, service, digital, twin, framework, network, cache, dynamic, robust, distributed
Petia Wohed Stockholm University
Christin Lindholm Lund University
Sergio Rico Mid Sweden University exploring, rapid, cases, industry, academia, communication, experiences, conducting, reviews, collaboration
Maria Ulan RISE Research Institutes of Sweden metrics, aggregation, weighted, application, defect, prediction, copula
Francesco Flammini Mälardalen University learning, cyber, physical, systems, autonomous, machine, railway, detection, recognition, digital
Nadeem Abbas Linneaus University flow, self, adaptation, industry, hybrid, nanofluid, micropolar, surface, analysis, stretching
Johannes Borgström Uppsala University modal, logics, nominal, transition, systems, correctness, sequential, monte, carlo, inference
Emma Söderberg Lund University code, analysis, data, developers, programming, experience, open, java, gaze, space
Aron Henriksson Stockholm University models, clinical, language, data, bert, text, requirements, elicitation, pretraining, evaluating
Daniel Flemström Mälardalen University passive, ears, specification, test, cases, improved, language, industrial, scale, testing
Yehia Abd Alrahman Chalmers / Gothenburg University reconfigurable, systems, point, communication, check, verifying, interacting, model, mas, modelling
Beatrice Alenljung Skövde University action, intention, recognition, human, robot, interaction, anemone, user, experience, design
Peter Wallin RISE Research Institutes of Sweden product, line, model, process, industrial, detecting, inconsistencies, annotated, models
Signature SCI works by Swe-SE-SCI scholars: Click on a header to sort by the corresponding column.
Scholar Affiliation Signature SSS works
Jan Bosch Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2021: Digital for real: A multicase study on the digital transformation of companies in the embedded systems domain. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2018: Ecosystem traps and where to find them. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2012: Software ecosystems: Taking software development beyond the boundaries of the organization. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2011: Introducing agile customer-centered development in a legacy software product line. (Softw. Pract. Exp.) 2010: From integration to composition: On the impact of software product lines, global development and ecosystems. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2005: Software variability: process and management. (Softw. Process. Improv. Pract.) 2005: Staged adoption of software product families. (Softw. Process. Improv. Pract.) 2004: Software variability management. (Sci. Comput. Program.) 2003: Software architecture – Engineering quality attributes. (J. Syst. Softw.) 1999: Superimposition: a component adaptation technique. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Per Runeson Lund University 2021: Open Data Ecosystems – An empirical investigation into an emerging industry collaboration concept. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2014: Variation factors in the design and analysis of replicated controlled experiments – Three (dis)similar studies on inspections versus unit testing. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2009: Guidelines for conducting and reporting case study research in software engineering. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2003: Test processes in software product evolution – a qualitative survey on the state of practice. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.) 1998: An Experimental Evaluation of an Experience-Based Capture-Recapture Method in Software Code Inspections. (Empir. Softw. Eng.)
Tony Gorschek Blekinge Institute of Technology 2014: On the use of software design models in software development practice: An empirical investigation. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2012: Introduction of a process maturity model for market-driven product management and requirements engineering. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.) 2008: Requirements engineering: In search of the dependent variables. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2007: A controlled empirical evaluation of a requirements abstraction model. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2007: Industry evaluation of the Requirements Abstraction Model. (Requir. Eng.) 2006: Requirements Abstraction Model. (Requir. Eng.) 2004: Packaging software process improvement issues: a method and a case study. (Softw. Pract. Exp.)
Darja Smite Blekinge Institute of Technology 2023: From forced Working-From-Home to voluntary working-from-anywhere: Two revolutions in telework. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2023: Work-from-home is here to stay: Call for flexibility in post-pandemic work policies. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2023: Decentralized decision-making and scaled autonomy at Spotify. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2022: Changes in perceived productivity of software engineers during COVID-19 pandemic: The voice of evidence. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2021: Overcoming cultural barriers to being agile in distributed teams. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2020: Vendor Switching: Factors that matter when engineers onboard their own replacement. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2017: Software teams and their knowledge networks in large-scale software development. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2014: An empirically based terminology and taxonomy for global software engineering. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2013: Offshore insourcing in software development: Structuring the decision-making process. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2012: Lessons learned from transferring software products to India. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2010: Empirical evidence in global software engineering: a systematic review. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2006: Global software development projects in one of the biggest companies in Latvia: is geographical distribution a problem? (Softw. Process. Improv. Pract.)
Robert Feldt Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2010: Links between the personalities, views and attitudes of software engineers. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Jürgen Börstler Blekinge Institute of Technology 2024: Acceptance behavior theories and models in software engineering – A mapping study. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2023: Developers talking about code quality. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2023: Double-counting in software engineering tertiary studies – An overlooked threat to validity. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2023: Investigating acceptance behavior in software engineering – Theoretical perspectives. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2016: Beauty and the Beast: on the readability of object-oriented example programs. (Softw. Qual. J.) 2016: The Role of Method Chains and Comments in Software Readability and Comprehension – An Experiment. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.) 1995: Integrated software reuse: Management and techniques : Paul Walton and Neil Maiden (eds) Ashgate Publishing, Hants, UK (1993) 178 pp £49.50 hardcover ISBN 1 85742 146 9. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Krzysztof Wnuk Blekinge Institute of Technology 2016: Supporting Scope Tracking and Visualization for Very Large-Scale Requirements Engineering-Utilizing FSC+, Decision Patterns, and Atomic Decision Visualizations. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.) 2015: Exploring factors affecting decision outcome and lead time in large-scale requirements engineering. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2014: Bridges and barriers to hardware-dependent software ecosystem participation – A case study. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2013: Obsolete software requirements. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2012: Replication of an experiment on linguistic tool support for consolidation of requirements from multiple sources. (Empir. Softw. Eng.)
Daniel Méndez Fernández Blekinge Institute of Technology 2019: Empirical software engineering: From discipline to interdiscipline. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2019: Artefacts in software engineering: a fundamental positioning. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2017: Naming the pain in requirements engineering – Contemporary problems, causes, and effects in practice. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2015: Naming the pain in requirements engineering: A design for a global family of surveys and first results from Germany. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2015: Artefact-based requirements engineering: the AMDiRE approach. (Requir. Eng.) 2012: Field study on requirements engineering: Investigation of artefacts, project parameters, and execution strategies. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Miroslaw Staron Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2018: Industrial experiences from evolving measurement systems into self-healing systems for improved availability. (Softw. Pract. Exp.) 2016: MeSRAM – A method for assessing robustness of measurement programs in large software development organizations and its industrial evaluation. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2012: Critical role of measures in decision processes: Managerial and technical measures in the context of large software development organizations. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2011: Developing measurement systems: an industrial case study. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.) 2010: A method for forecasting defect backlog in large streamline software development projects and its industrial evaluation. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2009: A framework for developing measurement systems and its industrial evaluation. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2008: Predicting weekly defect inflow in large software projects based on project planning and test status. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2006: Empirical assessment of using stereotypes to improve comprehension of UML models: A set of experiments. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Martin Monperrus KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2013: Automated measurement of models of requirements. (Softw. Qual. J.) 2013: Detecting missing method calls as violations of the majority rule. (ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol.) 2012: What should developers be aware of? An empirical study on the directives of API documentation. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2011: Model-driven generative development of measurement software. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Björn Regnell Lund University 2001: An Industrial Case Study on Distributed Prioritisation in Market-Driven Requirements Engineering for Packaged Software. (Requir. Eng.) 2000: Are the Perspectives Really Different? – Further Experimentation on Scenario-Based Reading of Requirements. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2000: Towards integration of use case modelling and usage-based testing. (J. Syst. Softw.) 1998: A market-driven requirements engineering process: Results from an industrial process improvement programme. (Requir. Eng.)
Eric Knauss Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2018: Continuous clarification and emergent requirements flows in open-commercial software ecosystems. (Requir. Eng.) 2015: Patterns of continuous requirements clarification. (Requir. Eng.)
Dániel Varró Linköping University 2016: Road to a reactive and incremental model transformation platform: three generations of the VIATRA framework. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2007: The model transformation language of the VIATRA2 framework. (Sci. Comput. Program.) 2004: Automated formal verification of visual modeling languages by model checking. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2003: VPM: A visual, precise and multilevel metamodeling framework for describing mathematical domains and UML (The Mathematics of Metamodeling is Metamodeling Mathematics). (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2002: Designing the automatic transformation of visual languages. (Sci. Comput. Program.)
Helena Holmström Olsson Malmö University 2025: Strategic digital product management: Nine approaches. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2020: Going digital: Disruption and transformation in software-intensive embedded systems ecosystems. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2017: From ad hoc to strategic ecosystem management: the “Three-Layer Ecosystem Strategy Model” (TeLESM). (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Markus Borg Administrator 2024: Adopting automated bug assignment in practice – a longitudinal case study at Ericsson. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2023: Ergo, SMIRK is safe: a safety case for a machine learning component in a pedestrian automatic emergency brake system. (Softw. Qual. J.) 2019: Selecting component sourcing options: A survey of software engineering’s broader make-or-buy decisions. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2017: Supporting Change Impact Analysis Using a Recommendation System: An Industrial Case Study in a Safety-Critical Context. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.) 2016: TuneR: a framework for tuning software engineering tools with hands-on instructions in R. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2014: Recovering from a decade: a systematic mapping of information retrieval approaches to software traceability. (Empir. Softw. Eng.)
Davide Fucci Blekinge Institute of Technology 2024: Evaluating software security maturity using OWASP SAMM: Different approaches and stakeholders perceptions. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2022: When traceability goes awry: An industrial experience report. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2020: Need for Sleep: The Impact of a Night of Sleep Deprivation on Novice Developers’ Performance. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.) 2017: A Dissection of the Test-Driven Development Process: Does It Really Matter to Test-First or to Test-Last? (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.) 2015: Towards an operationalization of test-driven development skills: An industrial empirical study. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2014: On the role of tests in test-driven development: a differentiated and partial replication. (Empir. Softw. Eng.)
Federico Ciccozzi Mälardalen University 2019: Execution of UML models: a systematic review of research and practice. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2018: On the automated translational execution of the action language for foundational UML. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2018: Architecture optimization: speed or accuracy? both! (Softw. Qual. J.) 2016: Explicit connection patterns (ECP) profile and semantics for modelling and generating explicit connections in complex UML composite structures. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2013: Round-trip support for extra-functional property management in model-driven engineering of embedded systems. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Martin Höst Malmö University 2011: A systematic review of research on open source software in commercial software product development. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2001: Exploring bottlenecks in market-driven requirements management processes with discrete event simulation. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2000: Using Students as Subjects-A Comparative Study of Students and Professionals in Lead-Time Impact Assessment. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2000: Evaluation of code review methods through interviews and experimentation. (J. Syst. Softw.) 1997: A subjective effort estimation experiment. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Lars Lundberg Blekinge Institute of Technology 1989: A Parallel Ada System on an Experimental Multiprocessor. (Softw. Pract. Exp.)
Emil Alégroth Blekinge Institute of Technology 2022: Practitioners’ best practices to Adopt, Use or Abandon Model-based Testing with Graphical models for Software-intensive Systems. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2020: Characteristics that affect preference of decision models for asset selection: an industrial questionnaire survey. (Softw. Qual. J.) 2017: On the long-term use of visual gui testing in industrial practice: a case study. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2016: Maintenance of automated test suites in industry: An empirical study on Visual GUI Testing. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2015: Visual GUI testing in practice: challenges, problemsand limitations. (Empir. Softw. Eng.)
Gregory Gay Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2017: Automated Steering of Model-Based Test Oracles to Admit Real Program Behaviors. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.) 2016: The Effect of Program and Model Structure on the Effectiveness of MC/DC Test Adequacy Coverage. (ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol.) 2015: The Risks of Coverage-Directed Test Case Generation. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.) 2015: Automated Oracle Data Selection Support. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.) 2010: Finding robust solutions in requirements models. (Autom. Softw. Eng.) 2010: Automatically finding the control variables for complex system behavior. (Autom. Softw. Eng.)
Michael Unterkalmsteiner Blekinge Institute of Technology 2016: Large-scale information retrieval in software engineering – an experience report from industrial application. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2015: Assessing requirements engineering and software test alignment – Five case studies. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2014: A conceptual framework for SPI evaluation. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2014: A taxonomy for requirements engineering and software test alignment. (ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol.) 2012: Evaluation and Measurement of Software Process Improvement – A Systematic Literature Review. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.)
Daniel Strüber Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2019: Model clone detection for rule-based model transformation languages. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Efi Papatheocharous RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2024: Context factors perceived important when looking for similar experiences in decision-making for software components: An interview study. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2018: The GRADE taxonomy for supporting decision-making of asset selection in software-intensive system development. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2017: An investigation of effort distribution among development phases: A four-stage progressive software cost estimation model. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2014: Empirical evidence and state of practice of software agile teams. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2012: A Hybrid Software Cost Estimation Approach Utilizing Decision Trees and Fuzzy Logic. (Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng.)
Mikael Svahnberg Blekinge Institute of Technology 2017: A model for assessing and re-assessing the value of software reuse. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2015: Uni-REPM: a framework for requirements engineering process assessment. (Requir. Eng.) 2013: Uni-REPM: validated and improved. (Requir. Eng.) 2010: A systematic review on strategic release planning models. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2007: Six years of evaluating software architectures in student projects. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2005: An Investigation of a Method for Identifying a Software Architecture Candidate with Respect to Quality Attributes. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2005: A taxonomy of variability realization techniques. (Softw. Pract. Exp.) 2004: An industrial study on building consensus around software architectures and quality attributes. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2003: A Quality-Driven Decision-Support Method for Identifying Software Architecture Candidates. (Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng.) 1999: Evolution in software product lines: two cases. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.)
Antonio Cicchetti Mälardalen University 2019: Multi-view approaches for software and system modelling: a systematic literature review. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2013: Managing the evolution of data-intensive Web applications by model-driven techniques. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2008: Decoupling web application concerns through weaving operations. (Sci. Comput. Program.)
Emelie Engström Lund University 2020: How software engineering research aligns with design science: a review. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2017: SERP-test: a taxonomy for supporting industry-academia communication. (Softw. Qual. J.) 2013: Test overlay in an emerging software product line – An industrial case study. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2011: Software product line testing – A systematic mapping study. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2010: A systematic review on regression test selection techniques. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Nauman Bin Ali Blekinge Institute of Technology 2019: On the search for industry-relevant regression testing research. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2019: A critical appraisal tool for systematic literature reviews in software engineering. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2018: Reliability of search in systematic reviews: Towards a quality assessment framework for the automated-search strategy. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2016: FLOW-assisted value stream mapping in the early phases of large-scale software development. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2015: Evaluation of simulation-assisted value stream mapping for software product development: Two industrial cases. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2014: A systematic literature review on the industrial use of software process simulation. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Richard Torkar Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2022: A Method to Assess and Argue for Practical Significance in Software Engineering. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.) 2012: Requirements Traceability: a Systematic Review and Industry Case Study. (Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng.)
Jennifer Horkoff Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2019: Creative goal modeling for innovative requirements. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2019: Goal-oriented requirements engineering: an extended systematic mapping study. (Requir. Eng.) 2016: Interactive goal model analysis for early requirements engineering. (Requir. Eng.) 2014: Strategic business modeling: representation and reasoning. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2013: Comparison and evaluation of goal-oriented satisfaction analysis techniques. (Requir. Eng.)
Richard Berntsson-Svensson Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2024: Not all requirements prioritization criteria are equal at all times: A quantitative analysis. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2017: Is role playing in Requirements Engineering Education increasing learning outcome? (Requir. Eng.) 2013: An investigation of how quality requirements are specified in industrial practice. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2012: Setting quality targets for coming releases with QUPER: an industrial case study. (Requir. Eng.) 2012: Quality Requirements in Industrial Practice – An Extended Interview Study at Eleven Companies. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.)
Elizabeth Bjarnason Lund University 2023: Software selection in large-scale software engineering: A model and criteria based on interactive rapid reviews. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2023: An empirically based model of software prototyping: a mapping study and a multi-case study. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2022: Inter-team communication in large-scale co-located software engineering: a case study. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2019: Improving requirements-test alignment by prescribing practices that mitigate communication gaps. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2017: The role of distances in requirements communication: a case study. (Requir. Eng.) 2016: A theory of distances in software engineering. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2016: A multi-case study of agile requirements engineering and the use of test cases as requirements. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2014: Challenges and practices in aligning requirements with verification and validation: a case study of six companies. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2012: Are you biting off more than you can chew? A case study on causes and effects of overscoping in large-scale software engineering. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Birgit Penzenstadler Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2022: Take a deep breath: Benefits of neuroplasticity practices for software developers and computer workers in a family of experiments. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2018: Sustainability analysis and ease of learning in artifact-based requirements engineering: The newest member of the family of studies (It’s a girl!). (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Philipp Leitner Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2019: A mixed-method empirical study of Function-as-a-Service software development in industrial practice. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Björn Lundell Skövde University 2011: Practitioner perceptions of Open Source software in the embedded systems area. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2004: Changing perceptions of CASE technology. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Görel Hedin Lund University 2005: Teaching extreme programming to large groups of students. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2003: JastAdd–an aspect-oriented compiler construction system. (Sci. Comput. Program.)
Wasif Afzal Mälardalen University 2016: Software test process improvement approaches: A systematic literature review and an industrial case study. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2015: An experiment on the effectiveness and efficiency of exploratory testing. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2014: Prediction of faults-slip-through in large software projects: an empirical evaluation. (Softw. Qual. J.) 2012: Resampling Methods in Software Quality Classification. (Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng.) 2009: A systematic review of search-based testing for non-functional system properties. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Welf Löwe Linneaus University 2005: Rapid Construction of Software Comprehension Tools. (Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng.)
Panagiota Chatzipetrou Örebro University 2020: Component attributes and their importance in decisions and component selection. (Softw. Qual. J.) 2015: A multivariate statistical framework for the analysis of software effort phase distribution. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2015: An experience-based framework for evaluating alignment of software quality goals. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Barbara Gallina Mälardalen University 2025: Towards an ontology for process compliance with the (machinery) legislations. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2020: Quantitative evaluation of tailoring within SPICE-compliant security-informed safety-oriented process lines. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Bestoun S. Ahmed Karlstad University 2017: Handling constraints in combinatorial interaction testing in the presence of multi objective particle swarm and multithreading. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2015: Achievement of minimized combinatorial test suite for configuration-aware software functional testing using the Cuckoo Search algorithm. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2011: A variable strength interaction test suites generation strategy using Particle Swarm Optimization. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Javier Gonzalez-Huerta Blekinge Institute of Technology 2015: Validating a model-driven software architecture evaluation and improvement method: A family of experiments. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Rebekka Wohlrab Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2023: Explaining quality attribute tradeoffs in automated planning for self-adaptive systems. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2023: A negotiation support system for defining utility functions for multi-stakeholder self-adaptive systems. (Requir. Eng.) 2020: Why and how to balance alignment and diversity of requirements engineering practices in automotive. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2020: Collaborative traceability management: a multiple case study from the perspectives of organization, process, and culture. (Requir. Eng.) 2019: Boundary objects and their use in agile systems engineering. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Deepika Badampudi Blekinge Institute of Technology 2025: Large scale reuse of microservices using CI/CD and InnerSource practices – a case study. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2023: Modern Code Reviews – Survey of Literature and Practice. (ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol.) 2018: A decision-making process-line for selection of software asset origins and components. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2016: Software component decision-making: In-house, OSS, COTS or outsourcing – A systematic literature review. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Diego Perez-Palacin Linneaus University 2019: A UML Profile for the Design, Quality Assessment and Deployment of Data-intensive Applications. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2017: Accurate modeling and efficient QoS analysis of scalable adaptive systems under bursty workload. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2014: On the relationships between QoS and software adaptability at the architectural level. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2012: QoS and energy management with Petri nets: A self-adaptive framework. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Johan Linåker RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2020: What to share, when, and where: balancing the objectives and complexities of open source software contributions. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2020: A method for analyzing stakeholders’ influence on an open source software ecosystem’s requirements engineering process. (Requir. Eng.) 2019: A Community Strategy Framework – How to obtain influence on requirements in meritocratic open source software communities? (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2018: Motivating the contributions: An Open Innovation perspective on what to share as Open Source Software. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Muhammad Usman Blekinge Institute of Technology 2018: Effort estimation in large-scale software development: An industrial case study. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2018: Developing and using checklists to improve software effort estimation: A multi-case study. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2017: An Effort Estimation Taxonomy for Agile Software Development. (Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng.) 2017: Taxonomies in software engineering: A Systematic mapping study and a revised taxonomy development method. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Terese Besker RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2022: The use of incentives to promote technical debt management. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2020: The influence of Technical Debt on software developer morale. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2019: Software developer productivity loss due to technical debt – A replication and extension study examining developers’ development work. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2018: Managing architectural technical debt: A unified model and systematic literature review. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Henry Edison Blekinge Institute of Technology 2022: Comparing Methods for Large-Scale Agile Software Development: A Systematic Literature Review. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.) 2020: Inner source software development: Current thinking and an agenda for future research. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2018: Innovation Initiatives in Large Software Companies: A Systematic Mapping Study. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2018: Lean Internal Startups for Software Product Innovation in Large Companies: Enablers and Inhibitors. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2013: Towards innovation measurement in the software industry. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Muhammad Ovais Ahmad Karlstad University 2025: Strengthening Large-Scale Agile Teams: The Interplay of High-Quality Relationships, Psychological Safety, and Learning From Failures. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2024: Early career software developers and work preferences in software engineering. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2024: The Pandora’s box of social, process, and people debts in software engineering. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2018: Kanban in software engineering: A systematic mapping study. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2017: An empirical study of portfolio management and Kanban in agile and lean software companies. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Alessio Bucaioni Mälardalen University 2023: Reference architectures modelling and compliance checking. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2023: From low-level programming to full-fledged industrial model-based development: the story of the Rubus Component Model. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2022: Enabling automated integration of architectural languages: An experience report from the automotive domain. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2022: Model-based generation of test scripts across product variants: An experience report from the railway industry. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2022: Modelling in low-code development: a multi-vocal systematic review. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2020: Modelling multi-criticality vehicular software systems: evolution of an industrial component model. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Pontus Johnson KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2016: The Tarpit – A general theory of software engineering. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2015: Towards general theories of software engineering. (Sci. Comput. Program.)
Jonas Gamalielsson Skövde University 2015: On organisational influences in software standards and their open source implementations. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2014: Sustainability of Open Source software communities beyond a fork: How and why has the LibreOffice project evolved? (J. Syst. Softw.)
Jakob Axelsson RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2016: Quality assurance in software ecosystems: A systematic literature mapping and research agenda. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2014: Characteristics of software ecosystems for Federated Embedded Systems: A case study. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Eriks Klotins Blekinge Institute of Technology 2022: Towards cost-benefit evaluation for continuous software engineering activities. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2021: A Progression Model of Software Engineering Goals, Challenges, and Practices in Start-Ups. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.) 2019: Software engineering in start-up companies: An analysis of 88 experience reports. (Empir. Softw. Eng.)
Robert Lagerström KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2013: Increasing software development efficiency and maintainability for complex industrial systems – A case study. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2012: Identifying factors affecting software development cost and productivity. (Softw. Qual. J.) 2010: Architecture analysis of enterprise systems modifiability – Models, analysis, and validation. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2010: Architecture analysis of enterprise systems modifiability: a metamodel for software change cost estimation. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Mauro Caporuscio Linneaus University 2017: Building design-time and run-time knowledge for QoS-based component assembly. (Softw. Pract. Exp.) 2016: GoPrime: A Fully Decentralized Middleware for Utility-Aware Service Assembly. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.) 2015: Engineering Future Internet applications: The Prime approach. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2007: Model-based system reconfiguration for dynamic performance management. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2003: Design and Evaluation of a Support Service for Mobile, Wireless Publish/Subscribe Applications. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.)
Mira Kajko-Mattsson KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2005: A Survey of Documentation Practice within Corrective Maintenance. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2004: Data Mining For Validation In Software Engineering: An Example. (Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng.) 2004: Problems within front-end support. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.) 2002: Problem management maturity within corrective maintenance. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.) 2000: Software problem reporting and resolution process at ABB Robotics AB: state of practice. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.)
Rodi Jolak RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2023: Design thinking and creativity of colocated versus globally distributed software developers. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2022: CONSERVE: A framework for the selection of techniques for monitoring containers security. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2020: Software engineering whispers: The effect of textual vs. graphical software design descriptions on software design communication. (Empir. Softw. Eng.)
Jelena Zdravkovic Stockholm University 2015: Capturing consumer preferences as requirements for software product lines. (Requir. Eng.)
Peter Fritzson Linköping University 1994: Using assertions in declarative and operational models for automated debugging. (J. Syst. Softw.) 1983: Symbolic debugging through incremental compilation in an integrated environment. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Ulrik Franke RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2018: What can we learn from enterprise architecture models? An experiment comparing models and documents for capability development. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2014: An architecture framework for enterprise IT service availability analysis. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2012: Availability of enterprise IT systems: an expert-based Bayesian framework. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Francisco Gomes de Oliveira Neto Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2019: Evolution of statistical analysis in empirical software engineering research: Current state and steps forward. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2016: Full modification coverage through automatic similarity-based test case selection. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Piotr Tomaszewski RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2008: From Traditional to Streamline Development – opportunities and challenges. (Softw. Process. Improv. Pract.) 2007: Statistical models vs. expert estimation for fault prediction in modified code – an industrial case study. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2006: The increase of productivity over time – an industrial case study. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2005: Software development productivity on a new platform: an industrial case study. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Hussan Munir Malmö University 2018: Open innovation using open source tools: a case study at Sony Mobile. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2018: A theory of openness for software engineering tools in software organizations. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2016: Open innovation in software engineering: a systematic mapping study. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2014: Considering rigor and relevance when evaluating test driven development: A systematic review. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Konstantinos Sagonas Uppsala University 2006: Efficient memory management for concurrent programs that use message passing. (Sci. Comput. Program.) 2003: Experimental evaluation and improvements to linear scan register allocation. (Softw. Pract. Exp.)
Hannes Holm KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2015: A Bayesian network model for likelihood estimations of acquirement of critical software vulnerabilities and exploits. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2014: Automatic data collection for enterprise architecture models. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Kristian Sandahl Linköping University 1998: An Extended Replication of an Experiment for Assessing Methods for Software Requirements Inspections. (Empir. Softw. Eng.)
Cyrille Artho KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2020: Model-based testing of Apache ZooKeeper: Fundamental API usage and watchers. (Softw. Test. Verification Reliab.) 2003: High-level data races. (Softw. Test. Verification Reliab.)
Jonas Lundberg Linneaus University 2009: Fast and precise points-to analysis. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Robbert Jongeling Mälardalen University 2022: Consistency management in industrial continuous model-based development settings: a reality check. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2017: On negative results when using sentiment analysis tools for software engineering research. (Empir. Softw. Eng.)
Simon Butler Skövde University 2023: On business adoption and use of reproducible builds for open and closed source software. (Softw. Qual. J.) 2022: Considerations and challenges for the adoption of open source components in software-intensive businesses. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2021: On Company Contributions to Community Open Source Software Projects. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.) 2020: Maintaining interoperability in open source software: A case study of the Apache PDFBox project. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Hans-Martin Heyn Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2024: An empirical investigation of challenges of specifying training data and runtime monitors for critical software with machine learning and their relation to architectural decisions. (Requir. Eng.) 2023: A compositional approach to creating architecture frameworks with an application to distributed AI systems. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Cristina Seceleanu Mälardalen University 2017: Analyzing a wind turbine system: From simulation to formal verification. (Sci. Comput. Program.)
Wolfgang Ahrendt Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2012: A system for compositional verification of asynchronous objects. (Sci. Comput. Program.) 2005: The KeY tool. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Patrik Berander Malmö University 2009: Evaluating two ways of calculating priorities in requirements hierarchies – An experiment on hierarchical cumulative voting. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2006: Hierarchical Cumulative Voting (hcv) – Prioritization of Requirements in Hierarchies. (Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng.)
Amin Jalali Stockholm University 2023: Evaluating user acceptance of knowledge-intensive business process modeling languages. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2018: A hybrid approach for aspect-oriented business process modeling. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2017: Supporting aspect orientation in business process management – From process modelling to process enactment. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Ludwik Kuzniarz Blekinge Institute of Technology 2011: Empirical extension of a classification framework for addressing consistency in model based development. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Pasqualina Potena RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2013: Optimization of adaptation plans for a service-oriented architecture with cost, reliability, availability and performance tradeoff. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Imed Hammouda Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2011: Managing Concern Knowledge in Software Systems. (Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng.) 2009: Design profiles: toward unified tool support for design patterns and UML profiles. (Softw. Pract. Exp.)
Fredrik Asplund KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2019: Exploratory testing: Do contextual factors influence software fault identification? (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2015: The discourse on tool integration beyond technology, a literature survey. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Abu Naser Masud Mälardalen University 2023: The Duality in Computing SSA Programs and Control Dependency. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.) 2022: Efficient computation of minimal weak and strong control closure. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2020: More precise construction of static single assignment programs using reaching definitions. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Lars Pareto Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2012: Collaborative prioritization of architectural concerns. (J. Syst. Softw.) 2012: Concern coverage in base station development: an empirical investigation. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Kenneth Lind RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2012: A Practical Approach to Size Estimation of Embedded Software Components. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.)
Binish Tanveer Blekinge Institute of Technology 2019: An evaluation of effort estimation supported by change impact analysis in agile software development. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2017: Effort estimation in agile software development: Case study and improvement framework. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Irum Inayat Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2023: Safety and security risks management process for cyber-physical systems: A case study. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Mariam Kamkar Linköping University 1998: Application of program slicing in algorithmic debugging. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 1995: An overview and comparative classification of program slicing techniques. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Birgitta Lindström Skövde University 2019: On strong mutation and the theory of subsuming logic-based mutants. (Softw. Test. Verification Reliab.) 2017: Using mutation to design tests for aspect-oriented models. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Michael Mattsson Blekinge Institute of Technology 2000: Stability assessment of evolving industrial object-oriented frameworks. (J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract.)
Saad Mubeen Mälardalen University 2019: Supporting timing analysis of vehicular embedded systems through the refinement of timing constraints. (Softw. Syst. Model.) 2015: Integrating mixed transmission and practical limitations with the worst-case response-time analysis for Controller Area Network. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Alexandre Bartel Umeå University 2014: Static Analysis for Extracting Permission Checks of a Large Scale Framework: The Challenges and Solutions for Analyzing Android. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.)
Fredrik Karlsson Örebro University 2012: MC Sandbox: Devising a tool for method-user-centered method configuration. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2004: Method configuration: adapting to situational characteristics while creating reusable assets. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Jeremy Rose Skövde University 2007: Management competences, not tools and techniques: A grounded examination of software project management at WM-data. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Simon Hacks Stockholm University 2023: Measuring and achieving test coverage of attack simulations extended version. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Felix Dobslaw Mid Sweden University 2023: Generic and industrial scale many-criteria regression test selection. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Mohannad Alhanahnah Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2023: IoTCom: Dissecting Interaction Threats in IoT Systems. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.) 2023: autoMPI: Automated Multiple Perspective Attack Investigation With Semantics Aware Execution Partitioning. (IEEE Trans. Software Eng.)
Niklas Fors Lund University 2015: A JastAdd implementation of Oberon-0. (Sci. Comput. Program.)
Niklas Lavesson Blekinge Institute of Technology 2014: A method for evaluation of learning components. (Autom. Softw. Eng.)
Tiberiu Seceleanu Mälardalen University 2006: Developing adaptive systems with synchronized architectures. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Petia Wohed Stockholm University 2009: Patterns-based evaluation of open source BPM systems: The cases of jBPM, OpenWFE, and Enhydra Shark. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Christin Lindholm Lund University 2015: Involving user perspective in a software risk management process. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.) 2014: A case study on software risk analysis and planning in medical device development. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Sergio Rico Mid Sweden University 2024: Experiences from conducting rapid reviews in collaboration with practitioners – Two industrial cases. (Inf. Softw. Technol.) 2021: A case study of industry-academia communication in a joint software engineering research project. (J. Softw. Evol. Process.)
Maria Ulan RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2021: Weighted software metrics aggregation and its application to defect prediction. (Empir. Softw. Eng.) 2021: Copula-based software metrics aggregation. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Francesco Flammini Mälardalen University 2009: Automatic instantiation of abstract tests on specific configurations for large critical control systems. (Softw. Test. Verification Reliab.)
Nadeem Abbas Linneaus University 2020: ASPLe: A methodology to develop self-adaptive software systems with systematic reuse. (J. Syst. Softw.)
Johannes Borgström Uppsala University 2015: Broadcast psi-calculi with an application to wireless protocols. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Emma Söderberg Lund University 2013: Extensible intraprocedural flow analysis at the abstract syntax tree level. (Sci. Comput. Program.)
Aron Henriksson Stockholm University 2022: Holistic data-driven requirements elicitation in the big data era. (Softw. Syst. Model.)
Daniel Flemström Mälardalen University 2018: Similarity-based prioritization of test case automation. (Softw. Qual. J.)
Yehia Abd Alrahman Chalmers / Gothenburg University 2020: Programming interactions in collective adaptive systems by relying on attribute-based communication. (Sci. Comput. Program.)
Beatrice Alenljung Skövde University 2008: Portraying the practice of decision-making in requirements engineering: a case of large scale bespoke development. (Requir. Eng.)
Peter Wallin RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 2012: Problems and their mitigation in system and software architecting. (Inf. Softw. Technol.)
Bibliometrics for Swe-SE-SCI scholars: Click on a header to sort by the corresponding column.
Scholar Affiliation #Publ. SCI ratio 1st ratio SSS contrib. SSS rating
Jan Bosch Chalmers / Gothenburg University 415 0.16 0.24 19.09 74.7
Per Runeson Lund University 174 0.31 0.17 11.1 42.32
Tony Gorschek Blekinge Institute of Technology 146 0.5 0.11 14.33 33.46
Darja Smite Blekinge Institute of Technology 100 0.27 0.46 14.23 31.31
Robert Feldt Chalmers / Gothenburg University 157 0.32 0.11 7.06 30.7
Jürgen Börstler Blekinge Institute of Technology 100 0.3 0.31 10.0 30.33
Krzysztof Wnuk Blekinge Institute of Technology 113 0.27 0.26 8.33 30.12
Daniel Méndez Fernández Blekinge Institute of Technology 141 0.24 0.16 9.87 29.01
Miroslaw Staron Chalmers / Gothenburg University 181 0.13 0.28 11.08 28.65
Martin Monperrus KTH Royal Institute of Technology 143 0.32 0.1 9.17 26.4
Björn Regnell Lund University 90 0.36 0.19 7.38 24.96
Eric Knauss Chalmers / Gothenburg University 132 0.17 0.23 5.19 24.58
Dániel Varró Linköping University 186 0.17 0.09 9.24 24.39
Helena Holmström Olsson Malmö University 173 0.12 0.21 6.23 24.22
Markus Borg Administrator 108 0.18 0.42 8.19 24.01
Davide Fucci Blekinge Institute of Technology 74 0.31 0.26 8.21 21.56
Federico Ciccozzi Mälardalen University 97 0.18 0.34 7.0 20.71
Martin Höst Malmö University 100 0.21 0.19 7.39 20.29
Lars Lundberg Blekinge Institute of Technology 154 0.1 0.31 3.79 19.89
Emil Alégroth Blekinge Institute of Technology 51 0.43 0.31 6.99 19.42
Gregory Gay Chalmers / Gothenburg University 65 0.26 0.37 7.58 18.76
Michael Unterkalmsteiner Blekinge Institute of Technology 66 0.33 0.21 7.14 18.3
Daniel Strüber Chalmers / Gothenburg University 103 0.15 0.27 3.28 18.14
Efi Papatheocharous RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 61 0.25 0.46 6.46 17.99
Mikael Svahnberg Blekinge Institute of Technology 34 0.5 0.56 10.87 17.63
Antonio Cicchetti Mälardalen University 121 0.12 0.22 5.26 17.11
Emelie Engström Lund University 51 0.39 0.25 6.81 16.76
Nauman Bin Ali Blekinge Institute of Technology 43 0.47 0.28 7.63 16.48
Richard Torkar Chalmers / Gothenburg University 78 0.44 0.1 5.64 16.09
Jennifer Horkoff Chalmers / Gothenburg University 134 0.09 0.31 6.92 15.8
Richard Berntsson-Svensson Chalmers / Gothenburg University 52 0.25 0.44 6.19 15.19
Elizabeth Bjarnason Lund University 43 0.28 0.65 9.61 14.86
Birgit Penzenstadler Chalmers / Gothenburg University 149 0.07 0.38 4.19 14.33
Philipp Leitner Chalmers / Gothenburg University 134 0.09 0.16 3.32 14.12
Björn Lundell Skövde University 88 0.12 0.33 3.67 13.4
Görel Hedin Lund University 90 0.12 0.2 3.69 12.46
Wasif Afzal Mälardalen University 92 0.13 0.14 6.5 12.25
Welf Löwe Linneaus University 131 0.08 0.13 3.11 12.02
Panagiota Chatzipetrou Örebro University 30 0.4 0.4 4.08 12.0
Barbara Gallina Mälardalen University 101 0.08 0.33 3.53 10.81
Bestoun S. Ahmed Karlstad University 58 0.16 0.24 4.09 10.44
Javier Gonzalez-Huerta Blekinge Institute of Technology 52 0.27 0.13 2.68 10.33
Rebekka Wohlrab Chalmers / Gothenburg University 43 0.19 0.47 5.65 10.19
Deepika Badampudi Blekinge Institute of Technology 27 0.33 0.52 4.68 10.15
Diego Perez-Palacin Linneaus University 45 0.18 0.44 4.77 10.09
Johan Linåker RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 28 0.29 0.64 4.6 9.93
Muhammad Usman Blekinge Institute of Technology 35 0.26 0.34 4.76 9.87
Terese Besker RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 25 0.32 0.6 4.57 9.47
Henry Edison Blekinge Institute of Technology 30 0.27 0.47 5.52 9.44
Muhammad Ovais Ahmad Karlstad University 45 0.16 0.53 5.58 9.38
Alessio Bucaioni Mälardalen University 57 0.12 0.56 6.6 9.27
Pontus Johnson KTH Royal Institute of Technology 98 0.07 0.23 3.41 8.93
Jonas Gamalielsson Skövde University 46 0.15 0.37 2.89 8.61
Jakob Axelsson RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 76 0.08 0.5 3.1 8.44
Eriks Klotins Blekinge Institute of Technology 26 0.27 0.54 3.59 8.42
Robert Lagerström KTH Royal Institute of Technology 105 0.06 0.2 5.19 8.22
Mauro Caporuscio Linneaus University 59 0.1 0.54 5.63 8.1
Mira Kajko-Mattsson KTH Royal Institute of Technology 111 0.05 0.69 6.15 8.03
Rodi Jolak RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 31 0.19 0.45 3.55 7.29
Jelena Zdravkovic Stockholm University 110 0.05 0.19 2.54 7.29
Peter Fritzson Linköping University 129 0.04 0.2 3.54 7.04
Ulrik Franke RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 82 0.06 0.34 3.97 6.78
Francisco Gomes de Oliveira Neto Chalmers / Gothenburg University 52 0.1 0.27 2.77 6.58
Piotr Tomaszewski RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 16 0.31 0.75 4.21 6.17
Hussan Munir Malmö University 18 0.28 0.56 4.23 6.05
Konstantinos Sagonas Uppsala University 143 0.03 0.21 3.68 6.01
Hannes Holm KTH Royal Institute of Technology 45 0.09 0.58 2.61 5.64
Kristian Sandahl Linköping University 44 0.16 0.09 1.97 5.59
Cyrille Artho KTH Royal Institute of Technology 97 0.04 0.44 3.13 5.57
Jonas Lundberg Linneaus University 80 0.05 0.25 2.06 5.45
Robbert Jongeling Mälardalen University 23 0.17 0.78 2.39 5.29
Simon Butler Skövde University 18 0.22 0.83 4.14 5.24
Hans-Martin Heyn Chalmers / Gothenburg University 16 0.25 0.44 2.32 4.67
Cristina Seceleanu Mälardalen University 119 0.03 0.07 2.45 4.41
Wolfgang Ahrendt Chalmers / Gothenburg University 50 0.06 0.62 2.57 4.29
Patrik Berander Malmö University 7 0.57 0.71 2.23 4.27
Amin Jalali Stockholm University 33 0.09 0.76 3.3 4.21
Ludwik Kuzniarz Blekinge Institute of Technology 28 0.11 0.54 1.45 4.19
Pasqualina Potena RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 30 0.17 0.1 1.65 4.14
Imed Hammouda Chalmers / Gothenburg University 73 0.04 0.3 2.8 4.11
Fredrik Asplund KTH Royal Institute of Technology 26 0.12 0.38 2.33 4.04
Abu Naser Masud Mälardalen University 18 0.17 0.5 3.15 3.92
Lars Pareto Chalmers / Gothenburg University 22 0.14 0.36 2.29 3.87
Kenneth Lind RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 15 0.2 0.6 1.32 3.86
Binish Tanveer Blekinge Institute of Technology 14 0.21 0.71 2.21 3.84
Irum Inayat Chalmers / Gothenburg University 36 0.08 0.28 1.53 3.78
Mariam Kamkar Linköping University 32 0.09 0.31 2.39 3.77
Birgitta Lindström Skövde University 19 0.16 0.37 2.26 3.75
Michael Mattsson Blekinge Institute of Technology 14 0.21 0.5 1.31 3.64
Saad Mubeen Mälardalen University 124 0.02 0.32 3.31 3.61
Alexandre Bartel Umeå University 31 0.1 0.16 1.48 3.54
Fredrik Karlsson Örebro University 55 0.04 0.45 2.53 3.16
Jeremy Rose Skövde University 51 0.04 0.55 1.59 2.95
Simon Hacks Stockholm University 67 0.03 0.31 1.75 2.88
Felix Dobslaw Mid Sweden University 29 0.07 0.62 1.37 2.88
Mohannad Alhanahnah Chalmers / Gothenburg University 19 0.11 0.58 2.17 2.86
Niklas Fors Lund University 22 0.09 0.55 1.3 2.75
Niklas Lavesson Blekinge Institute of Technology 63 0.03 0.17 1.71 2.61
Tiberiu Seceleanu Mälardalen University 90 0.02 0.26 1.98 2.6
Petia Wohed Stockholm University 37 0.05 0.35 1.45 2.59
Christin Lindholm Lund University 8 0.25 0.75 2.06 2.57
Sergio Rico Mid Sweden University 8 0.25 0.75 2.06 2.57
Maria Ulan RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 6 0.33 1.0 2.04 2.55
Francesco Flammini Mälardalen University 112 0.01 0.21 2.11 1.64
Nadeem Abbas Linneaus University 18 0.06 0.72 1.17 1.56
Johannes Borgström Uppsala University 35 0.03 0.6 1.34 1.54
Emma Söderberg Lund University 34 0.03 0.26 1.33 1.45
Aron Henriksson Stockholm University 50 0.02 0.32 1.49 1.45
Daniel Flemström Mälardalen University 10 0.1 0.8 1.09 1.41
Yehia Abd Alrahman Chalmers / Gothenburg University 19 0.05 1.0 1.18 1.39
Beatrice Alenljung Skövde University 14 0.07 0.57 1.13 1.38
Peter Wallin RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 12 0.08 0.25 1.11 1.24

Detailed information

The source code used to calculate the data and generate the tables is available as open source on GitHub. The main ideas are the following:

  • Publication data are extracted from the manually curated DBLP. Publications that are not indexed by DBLP are not considered. Also, arXiv publications and Software Engineering Notes are removed.
  • Prof. Robert Feldt’s list of SCI-listed SE journals is used to determine the SCI status. This means that the magazines IEEE SW, IEEE Computer, and CACM are excluded. Since February 2023, Science of Computer Programming is included.
  • SCI ratio is the fraction of a scholar’s papers that are publications in SCI-listed journals. We do not filter out introduction sections to special issues etc.
  • 1st ratio is the fraction of a scholar’s first-authorships.
  • SSS rating is calculated as the total number of publications multiplied by the weighted harmonic mean between the SCI-ratio and the 1st ratio, where the SCI-ratio is weighted twice as important as the 1st ratio. The SSS ratio can both increase and decrease, thus it is a more interesting metric to follow over time – SCI ratio emphasizes a quality focus (as opposed to paper inflation) and 1st ratio values active research (rather than management and supervision). I like the SSS rating as it indicates how prolific scholars are, but it also deteriorates by unrestrained co-authorships.
  • SSS contrib. is (just like the H-index) a non-decreasing number calculated as 1*SCI-listed first-authorships + 0.1*SCI-listed co-authorships + 0.01*other publications. This metric is useful if you don’t like the ideas of the fluctuating SSS rating.
  • The apparent research interests of individual SSS scholars is calculated by listing the most used terms in the titles of all first-authored publications. A manually curated stop-word list is used in the preprocessing.
  • The research topics of affiliations are calculated using topic modeling (LDA) with the paper titles of first-authored publications of SSS scholars as input. The number of topics and terms per topic are based on the total number of words in the input


Q: Isn’t there enough focus on rankings and lists already?

A. Yes, but let’s do this anyway. The main purpose of the Swe-SE-SCI index is to help navigate the expertise among academic SE scholars in Sweden. The index must be ordered in some way, and it turns into gamification no matter what metric you choose. My original idea was actually to embrace gamification even more by providing achievements in the form of badges.

Q: But there are other prestigious publications venues as well! Feldt’s list doesn’t cover everything. Why don’t you include the SCI-listed journal X?

A. There are indeed other great journals that publish amazing research. However, Feldt’s list is carefully curated for software engineering, I couldn’t do a better job myself.

Q: Shouldn’t you properly acknowledge ICSE publications? Now it’s valued just like a minor research workshop.

A: No. While ICSE is a highly competitive and prestigious venue, it is already recognized enough. I like journal publications and I prefer incentives to redirect paper submissions away from conferences.

Q: Why don’t you include PhD students and postdocs? They also publish great journal papers.

A: True, but I need to select a sustainable scope. As soon as the PhD student gets a permanent position in Sweden I will be happy to add her/him. Also, the main purpose of SWE-SE-SCI is to index expertise in Sweden – scholars with permanent positions are likely to be appropriate contact persons for industry. The SSS scholars can of course, in turn, recommend other internal experts.

Q: Being a co-author to help others is a supportive thing to do. Doesn’t the 1st ratio discourage collaboration? Supervisors get penalized by the SSS ratio.

A: Writing papers together is a great thing to do and what really makes SE research fun. However, the average number of authors on papers is growing – a metric that encourages scholars to think twice before putting her/his name on a paper is a good counter-balance. Supervision is certainly another great thing in research, but it’s not the job for Swe-SE-SCI to highlight.

Q: Software engineering is a multidisciplinary topic, thus considering only a few SCI-listed journals is a problem. Can’t you see that great scholars with plenty of other SCI-listed publications are undervalued?

A: Yes, but Swe-SE-SCI doesn’t try to rank scholars based on their research greatness. Swe-SE-SCI is mainly focusing on contributions in core SE journals. This index is for SE in Sweden, others are welcome to maintain lists for related areas such as computer science, information systems, enterprise architecture, artificial intelligence… the code is available on GitHub. And yes, some senior SSS scholars focusing on other topics might appear surprisingly low on the lists. They might be great researchers, but they apparently don’t focus on SE.

Q: Why don’t you include any open access journals? You support the old broken academic publication system.

A: I include the SCI-listed journals selected by Prof. Feldt. There are open access journals on the SCI “emerging list” such as e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal. I look forward to including such open access journals when they are upgraded to the “extended list”.