(Updated Oct 4, 2024)

Dr. Markus Borg
Main Affiliation
: CodeScene AB
Current Position: Principal Researcher
Secondary Affiliation: Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University
Email: markus.borg ~at~

Education and Degrees

2015 – PhD in Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden.
Thesis: From Bugs to Decision Support – Leveraging the Historical Issue Reports in Software Evolution.
Supervisors: Per Runeson and Björn Regnell  
Thesis opponent: Prof. Serge Demeyer, University of Antwerp.
2007 – MSc in Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering (Civ.Ing. Datateknik)
Lund University, Sweden.
Courses focused on computer science and real-time systems. 
Thesis: Safe Programming Languages for ABB Automation System 800xA, Department of Automatic Control
Further Details (click to expand)
2012 – Licentiate of Technology (Tekn. Lic.) in Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden.
Thesis: Advancing Trace Recovery Evaluation – Applied Information Retrieval in a Software Engineering Context.
Supervisors: Per Runeson and Björn Regnell
Thesis discussant: Prof. Robert Feldt, Chalmers University of Technology. 
2009 – University Diploma in Computer Science (Högskoleexamen Datavetenskap)
Faculty of Technology and Society, Malmö University, Sweden.
Courses focused on software engineering.

Research Visits

Sep 2019 - Oct 2019
Software Verification and Validation Lab led by Prof. Lionel Briand, SnT, University of Luxembourg.
Jul 2014 - Aug 2014
ABB India Development Center, Bangalore, India.
Oct 2011 - Mar 2012
Realsearch Group led by Prof. Laurie Williams, North Carolina State University, US.

Other Education

Jan 2013 – Jan 2019
Completed 12 massive open online courses (machine learning, statistics) provided by Coursera
Nov 2008
C++ Best Practices and Design Patterns: Hands-On (4 days, Learning Tree International)
Nov 2007
Intro. to C++ for Java and C Programmers: Hands-On (4 days, Learning Tree International)
Mar 2006 – Jul 2006
Erasmus exchange student at Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Germany.
Jun 2004 – Dec 2004
German course with internship, IS Internationella Skolorna, Düsseldorf, Germany.

Positions and Industrial Experience

Nov 2022 – current, Principal Researcher, CodeScene
Malmö, Sweden. 
Research and development related to software engineering intelligence.
Jan 2017 – current, Adjunct associate professor (20%), Lund University
Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden.
Course responsible for introductory course on software engineering. Lectures, exercises, projects, examination, and administration.
Sep 2015 – Sep 2022, Senior researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Lund, Sweden. 
Conducting applied research with the Humanized Autonomy unit in the Digital Systems division. Previously with the Software and Systems Engineering Laboratory as part of SICS. Successful grant applications, research, and project management related to applied projects on software testing and software quality.
Parental leave (90%) Jan 2016 - Aug 2016.
Parental leave (80%) Nov 2019 - Mar 2020.
Apr 2018 – Apr 2022, Board member, Swedsoft
Swedsoft, Stockholm, Sweden.
Jan 2010 – Mar 2015, PhD student, Lund University
Software Engineering Research Group, Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden
- Research in close collaboration with industry through the Industrial Excellence Center EASE.
- Teaching and development in basic and advanced courses at the department
- Supervision of five master thesis projects and one bachelor thesis project
- Developed research prototypes for decision support in large software engineering contexts, implementing various state-of-the-art techniques (e.g., information retrieval, machine learning, and recommendation systems)
Sep 2007 – Jan 2010, Development engineer, ABB
ABB AB, Malmö, Sweden
- Compiler and editor development for automation languages (IEC 61131-3)
- Safety-critical C/C++ development (IEC 61508 and IEC 61511)
- Application development in .Net (C# and VB.Net) and VB6
- Test automation and regression testing
Aug 2004 – Dec 2004, Engineering intern, Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company, Cologne, Germany
- Internship at team managing electronic data interchange with Ford (Odette FTP) 
- Technical documentation 
- Communication with subcontractors (mail/phone in German)
Further Details (click to expand)
Mar 2015 – Sep 2015, Temporary lecturer, Lund University
Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden.
Course responsible for introductory course on software engineering (217 students). Lectures, exercises, projects, examination, and administration. Research with international collaborators.
Jan 2007 – Sep 2007, Thesis student, ABB
ABB Automation Technologies AB, Malmö, Sweden
- Explored incremental Java migration using a research prototype for Java-to-C transpilation (LJRT – Lund Java-based Real-Time)

Statement on Impact

My work is permeated by the ambition to make practically relevant contributions. Since measuring relevant impact is difficult, qualitative reflection is needed. In my view, the primary way to impact practice is through students. By teaching courses and supervising MSc thesis projects, I share knowledge and inspire future engineers to create value through high-quality software.

Measurable impact includes: 
- Teaching introductory software engineering to students on a yearly basis. Responsible for introducing the topic to ~700 students (2015-2022).
- Advisor of 35+ thesis students (2011-2024).
- Supervision and co-supervisor of four PhD students (2017-2024)
- Work on machine learning for automated bug assignment saves time at Ericsson.
- Co-author and/or contributor to reports and letters from Swedsoft.
- A co-authored paper on practical relevance of software engineering research.

Scientific Accomplishments


Dr. Markus Borg has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications including: 
- A book chapter on recommendation systems for issue management in software engineering
- Two research articles in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
- Five research articles in Empirical Software Engineering

Dr. Markus Borg has an h-index of 25 (Google Scholar, Nov 2024). The complete list of publications can be found on Google Scholar.

Editorial Boards

- IEEE Software (Requirements Department), 2022-
- Empirical Software Engineering, 2021-
- e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, 2016-2023

Awards and Recognition

- Best Paper Award, 7th Int'l. Conf. on Technical Debt, 2024. 
- Distinguished Reviewer Award, 5th Int'l. Conf. on Automation of Software Test, 2024.
- Best Paper Award, 9th Swedish Workshop on Data Science, Växjö, Sweden, 2021.
- Distinguished Paper Award, 45th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Kallithea, Greece, 2019.
- Listed as one of the top 15 "Rising SE Stars" and "Most Active Early Stage SE Researchers" based on a bibliometric assessment of top software engineering scholars (2010–2017).
- Distinguished Paper Award, 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Prague, Czech Republic, 2018.
- Best Tool Demonstration Award, 11th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, Västerås, Sweden, 2018.
- Outstanding Reviewer Reward, e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, 2016.
- Certified Sentinel of Science Award Recipient, Top 10% Computer Science Reviewer, Publons, 2016.
- Distinguished Paper Award, 6th International Conference on Agile Software Development, 2015
- Scholarship for Higher Technical Education, Ernhold Lundström's Foundation, 2014
- 2014 (SEK 21,400)
- 2013 (SEK 25,000)
- 2011 (SEK 15,700)

Event Organization and Refereeing

See Activities.
Grading Committees and External Assessments (click to expand)
- German Research Foundation, 2024.
- Aizaz SHarif, "Exploring API Behaviours Through Generated Examples", Simula Research Laboratory and the University of Oslo, Norway, 2024-09-27. (First opponent)
- Stefan Karlsson, "Exploring API Behaviours Through Generated Examples", Mälardalen University, Sweden, 2024-09-10. (Committee member)
- Francisco Gomes, Application for the Promotion to Docent and Associate Professor, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2024-09-04.
- Clara Marie Lüders, "Mining and Understanding Issue Links Towards a Better Issue Management", University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 2023-04-28.
- Mohammad Nouman Zafar, "Model-based System Testing of Safety-Critical Embedded Software", Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden, 2022-10-03. (Licentiate Thesis)
- Cristina Gatt, "Investigating the Application of Imitation Learning in Automated Software Testing", University of Malta, 2022-05-21. (MSc Thesis)
- Khaled Walid Al-Sabbagh, "Handling Noise For Improving Machine Learning Based Test Selection", Chalmers, Sweden, 2021-11-16. (Licentiate Thesis)
- Miriam Ugarte Querejeta, "Simulation-based Runtime Testing and Adaptation of Cyber-Physical Systems using Digital Twins", Mondragon University, Spain, 2021-03-29 (Research plan assessment)
- Salome Honest Maro, "​Improving Software Traceability Tools and Processes", Chalmers, Sweden, 2020-09-03. (Committee member)
- ‪Raja Ben Abdessalem, "Effective Testing of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems using Evolutionary Algorithms and Machine Learning", SnT, University of Luxembourg, 2019-05-14.
Invited Talks and Panel Participation (click to expand)
Requirements Engineering and Large Language Models: Best of Friends or Worst of Enemies?
- Panel discussion, 31st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, September 7, 2023.

Ergo, SMIRK is Safe: A Safety Case for a ML Component in a Pedestrian Emergency Brake System
- Invited talk, 10th Scandinavian Conference on System & Software Safety, November 22, 2022.

Code Red: The Business Impact of Code Quality
- Invited talk, SAP Engineering Ecosystem, November 17, 2022.

Using Search-Based Software Testing to Guide the Strive for Robust Machine Learning Components - In Light of ISO 21448 SOTIF
- Invited talk, Hanze University Groningen, Jun 20, 2022.

Using Search-Based Software Testing to Guide the Strive for Robust Machine Learning Components - Lessons Learned Across Systems and Simulators in the Mobility Domain
- Keynote, 6th Int'l Workshop on Testing Extra-Functional and Quality Characteristics of Software Systems, Apr 4, 2022.

Agility in Software 2.0 – Notebook Interfaces and MLOps with Buttresses and Rebars
- Keynote, 6th Int'l Conf. on Lean and Agile Software Development, Jan 22, 2022. (paper, video)

AI and Testing. Testing and AI. Highlights From the Test Automation Research Front
- Invited virtual talk at Joint Academy, Nov 11, 2021.

Trained, Not Coded - Toward Safe AI in the Automotive Domain
- ISE Summer School 2020, Virtual Bolzano, Jul 1, 2020. (link)

Trained, Not Coded - Beauty in Software 2.0 (recorded)
- Beauty in Code Conference, Malmö, Mar 7, 2020.
- 9th Software Technology Exchange Workshop, Swedsoft, Virtual, Jan 22, 2021.
- Science! by Infotiv, Virtual, Apr 8, 2021.

Trained, Not Coded - Still Safe?
- 8th Software Technology Exchange Workshop, Swedsoft, Lund, Nov 14, 2019.

Test Visualization with a Game Engine
- 90 min Hands-on session at the A-Test workshop, Tallinn, Estonia, August 26, 2019.

Trained, Not Coded - Toward Test Automation for Safe Machine Learning
- Test Automation Research for Industry, Stockholm, Sweden, April 11, 2019.

Vad är nyttan med AI? Hur tar vi steget mot AI?
- Inspirationsturné: Starta din AI-resa, Malmö, Sweden, March 19, 2019. (link)

Trained, Not Coded - Approaching Robust Machine Learning by Safety Caging Vehicular Perception
- Annual meeting of IFIP 2.9 Requirements Engineering, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, Feb 20, 2019.

Explainability First! Cousteauing the Depths of Neural Networks
- GI Dagstuhl Seminar on "Explainable Software for Cyber-Physical Systems", Jan 7, 2019. (slides)

Test Automation Research... Is that really needed in 2018?
- Swedish Association for Software Testing (SAST Väst Q3 Expo), Gothenburg, Sweden, Oct 12, 2018. (slides)

Software Engineering in 2030, Industry Forum panel discussion, 40th International Conference on Software Engineering, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 30, 2018. (video)

When are Software Testing Research Contributions, Real Contributions?
- Panel discussion, 11th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, Västerås, Sweden, Apr 11, 2018. (video)

Enabling Visual Analytics with Unity - Exploring Regression Test Results in ASIC Verification (slides)
- TOCSYC project meeting, Västerås, Nov 17, 2017

Component Sourcing Decisions in Practice - A Survey of Decision Making in Industry (slides)
- ORION Industry Day, Karlskrona, Sep 14, 2017

Exploiting with Integrity - Mining User Data to Improve Software Engineering in the Light of Information Ethics
- GI Dagstuhl Seminar on "Software Performance Engineering in the DevOps World", Sep 25, 2016

Traceability Reuse for Change Impact Analysis – A Case Study in a Safety Context
- Dagstuhl Seminar on "Software and Systems Traceability for Safety-Critical Projects", Apr 14, 2015
- High Integrity Systems Symposium, Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway, Jun 3, 2015

Impact Analysis in Safety-Critical Systems Development
- Swedsoft workshop on "Software – an Industry Domain, or Cross-domain Practices?", Lund, Mar 2, 2015

Automation in the Bug Flow – Machine Learning for Triaging and Tracing (slides)
- 3rd Software Technology Exchange Workshop, Swedsoft, Stockholm, Sep 25, 2014
- LUCAS-dagen, Lund, Oct 24, 2014

Recommendation Systems for Issue Management (slides)
- LTH-afton at System Verification, Malmö, Nov 27, 2013
- Presentation at Axis Communications, Lund, Apr 29, 2014
- Presentation at Ericsson, Lund, Jul 1, 2014

Automated Linking of Natural Language Software Artifacts – A Research Overview
- LUCAS-dagen, Lund, Oct 21, 2010.

Pedagogical Experience

Courses and Publications

See Teaching.

Professional Education

Commissioned Education, Lund University
- Responsible for software engineering modules for Borg-Warner
- Software Trends
- Software and Safety Certification

Professional Education, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
- SOTIF orientation for Einride

Independent Tutor, NordAxon
- AI/ML Fundamental for Leaders

Teaching at Lund University

ETSA01/02/03 Software Engineering Process - Methodology
- Course responsible in 2015, 2017-2022
- Course development, lectures, project supervision, exercises, creating/correcting exams
- Open source on GitHub since 2018
- Runner-up of the 2015 golden pointer teaching award by the "D student guild"
TA Duties (click to expand)
EDAN70/90 Project in Computer Science (2020)
- Supervisor of small projects connected to ongoing research.

IYT000 Engineering Training Course (2019-2020)
- Supervisor of interns in industry.

EDA016 Programming, First Course - for C, D (2010-2015)
- Exercises and assignments

ETSF01 Software Engineering Process - Economy and Quality (2010, 2012-2014)
- Project supervision, exercises

ETS200 Software Testing (2011, 2013-2015)
- Developed a new lab on debugging
- Project supervision, lab supervision

ETS672 Requirements Engineering (2010)
- Exercises, lab supervision

ETSN05 Software Development for Large Systems (2013, 2023)
- Project supervision

Mathematics, Analysis in one variable (2006)
- Exercises (2006)

PhD Student and Postdoc Supervision

I have been involved in third-cycle student supervision at Lund University, Mälardalen University, and the University of Antwerp.

Main Supervisor
Matthias Wagner, 2023-
Continuous Quality Assurance ML Pipelines for Trustworthy AI
WASP PhD Student, Lund University, Sweden
Rushali Gupta, 2023-
AI Alignment Assessment through Continuous Operational Value-Based Testing - ASCERTAIN
WASP PhD Student, Lund University, Sweden
(Main supervisor: Emelie Engström)

Dimitris Paraschakis, 2023-
Continuous Optimization for Multimodal Data Fusion in Vector Search
WASP Industry Postdoc, Theca Systems and Lund University, Sweden
(Main supervisor: Prof. Per Runeson)

Sten Vercammen, 2018 – 2023
Mutation Testing: Fewer, Faster, and Smarter, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Defense date, March 14, 2023 (Main supervisor: Prof. Serge Demeyer)

Mahshid Helali Moghadam, 2017 – 2022
Intelligence-Driven Software Performance Assurance, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden
Defense date, June 3, 2022 (Main supervisor: Prof. Markus Bohlin)

Advisor and Supervisor (Bachelor and Master Level)

Most thesis projects I supervise are done in collaboration with industry partners (highlighted in bold font below). Several projects have turned into academic publications.

24 Theses (click to expand)
24. Enhancing Sentiment Analysis of Mobile App Reviews: Investigating Novel Techniques in Aspect-Based Opinion Mining
T. Richter, 2024 (MSc)
- Thesis project conducted at Backtick

23. Exploring AI-Assisted Software Development at Scania: The Role of Prompt Engineering and Regulatory Compliance
J. Bäcklund, 2024 (MSc) (link)
- Thesis project conducted at Scania

22. Case Study on Open Source Forks: Impact on Knowledge Distribution and Code Quality
A. Pettersson and N. Svensson, 2024 (MSc) (link)
- Thesis project conducted at CodeScene

21. Evaluating Similarity-Based Refactoring Recommendations
E. Ericsson, 2023 (MSc) (link)
- Thesis project conducted at CodeScene

20. Generating Synthetic Scenarios to Test an AI-Enabled Traffic Measurement System
E. Sjöberg, 2023 (MSc) (link)
- Joint work with Viscando

19. Quality Assurance of Generative Dialog Models in an Evolving Conversational Agent Used for Swedish Language Practice
J. Bengtsson, 2022 (MSc) (link)
- Action research with NordAxon to automate quality assurance of an open-domain conversational agent.
- Published as a conference paper at CAIN22.

18. Concretizing CRISP-DM for Data-Driven Financial Decision Support Tools
S. Grimheden and J. Järlesäter, 2022 (MSc) (link)
- Tailored the CRISP-DM data mining model for the domain of data-driven financial decision support.

17. Multilingual Large Scale Text Classification for Troubleshooting Management
J. Curman and A. Romell, 2022 (MSc) (link)
- Explored pre-trained transformer-based language models to support issue management for Scania's workshops.
- Published as a journal paper in Machine Learning.

16. Evaluating ClickHouse as a Big Data Processing Solution for IoT-Telemetry​​​​​​​
O. Wändesjö and A. Göransson, 2022 (MSc) (link)
- Compared the performance of the OLAP DBMS ClickHouse to Elasticsearch and MinIO for large-scale IoT telemetry data. Done at Axis Communications, Lund.

15. Classifying Brain Activity Using Electroencephalography and Automated Time Tracking of Computer Use
E. Bjäreholt, 2021 (MSc) (link, code)
- Trained classifiers on EEG data to distinguish between different user activities, especially code vs. prose comprehension.

14. Bridging the Bap Between Local Machines and Cloud Notebooks
J. Henriksson and M. Jacobsson, 2021 (MSc) (link)
- Evaluated a networked file system at Backtick to enable data scientists to mix cloud notebooks and local development environments.
- Constituted one of two core parts of the LASD22 keynote address.

13. Dynamic Bandwidth Control for Improving 5G Network Resource Utilization in Cloud Radio Access Networks
D. Isaksson and A. Lidfeldt, 2021 (MSc)
- Developed a simulation environment at Ericsson to evaluate network provisioning strategies.

12. Predicting Bugs to Reduce Debugging Time
O. Werneman, 2021 (MSc)
- Trained machine learning models at Verifyter for risk-based bug prediction.
- Published as a conference paper at DVCon 2021.

11. Test Case Prioritization Using AHP and Customer Usage Profiles for Regression Testing
M. Svensson, 2019 (MSc), Report
- Developed proof-of-concept of optimized regression test ordering. Done at ASSA Abloy Global Solutions, Landskrona.

10. SZZ Unleashed: Bug Prediction on the Jenkins Core Repository
K. Berg and O. Svensson, 2018 (MSc)
- Open-sourced an implementation of the SZZ algorithm and trained a machine learning model to predict error-prone commits for the Jenkins repository. Done at Axis Communications, Lund.
- Published as a (well-cited!) workshop paper at MaLTeSQuE 2019.

9. Categorizing Software Defects using Machine Learning
V. Stagge, 2018 (MSc)
- Implemented and trained a deep hierarchical attention network to classify crash reports at Sony Mobile, Lund.

8. Crowdsourcing Architectural Decision Making by Text Mining
I. Lennerstad, 2017 (MSc)
- Exploring active learning and self-training when mining Stack Overflow.
- Published as short paper at EASE17.

7. Semantic Distances in an Issue Tracker
M. Nasser, 2017 (MSc)
- Tracing issues from various development and customer service at Sony Mobile, Lund.

6. Vad karaktäriserar komplexa ärenden i mjukvaruprojekt?
F. Cicek and S. Afghani, 2015 (MSc)
- Web development and case study at CGI, Malmö.

5. Visualisering som verktyg vid systemutveckling
B. Torstensson, 2015 (BSc)
- Case study on how visualizations are used during development of a software-intensive system.

4. Navigating Information Overload Caused by Automated Testing
N. Erman and V. Tufvesson, 2014 (MSc)
- Project conducted at Qlik, Lund.
- Thesis selected for honorary mention at LTH graduation ceremony.
- Published as full paper at ICST15.

3. Development of a Decision Support System for Defect Reports
L. Olofsson and P. Gullin, 2014 (MSc)
- Project conducted at Sony Mobile Communications, Lund.
- Published in Tiny Transactions on Computer Science, Volume 4, 2016.

2. Beyond Textual Information in Defect Duplicate Detection: An Exploratory Study in the Android Issue Tracker
J. Johansson, 2014 (MSc)
- Published as a short paper at the ESEM14.

1. Requirements Traceability Recovery - A Study of Available Tools
L. Brodén, 2011 (MSc)
- Resulted in a full paper at EASE12.

Thesis Examiner (Master Level)

2 Theses (click to expand)
2. Predicting Loss of Fault Tolerance in a Cloud Graph Database
L. af Klint and E. Danielsson, 2023
Project conducted at Neo4j, Malmö.

1. Employee Engagement Analysis Based on Communication Motivation
H. Fornell, 2021
Project conducted at Grade, Lund.

Extracurricular activities

President of Malmö Racketlon since 2013 and a keen promoter of the sport. Responsible for organizing the Swedish Open 2014-2018, a tournament on the racketlon world tour attracting roughly 150 players (> $10,000 budget). Racketlon is the racket sport cousin of triathlon, combining table tennis, badminton, squash, and tennis into a unique sport. Also a member of the board of the Swedish Racketlon Federation since 2015.