Tag: statistical analysis
Under this tag I add publications reporting inferential statistics such as regression and correlation analysis. So far the papers have been about frequentist statistics, but I’ve done some Bayesian inference under the radar – might appear more of this in the future.

SZZ Unleashed: An Open Implementation of the SZZ Algorithm – Featuring Example Usage in a Study of Just-in-Time Bug Prediction for the Jenkins Project

Selecting Component Sourcing Options: A Survey of Software Engineering’s Broader Make-or-Buy Decisions

Video Game Development in a Rush: A Survey of the Global Game Jam Participants

Component Selection in Software Engineering – Which Attributes Are the Most Important in the Decision Process?

Using Text Clustering to Predict Defect Resolution Time: A Conceptual Replication and an Evaluation of Prediction Accuracy

TuneR: A Framework for Tuning Software Engineering Tools with Hands-on Instructions in R

An Industrial Survey of Safety Evidence Change Impact Analysis Practice

Automated Bug Assignment: Ensemble-based Machine Learning in Large Scale Industrial Contexts