January 16, 2017July 13, 2018mrksbrg Aligning Requirements and Testing: Working Together toward the Same Goal
November 22, 2016March 3, 2019mrksbrg An Industrial Case Study on Measuring the Quality of the Requirements Scoping Process
October 24, 2016July 12, 2018mrksbrg Supporting Change Impact Analysis Using a Recommendation System: An Industrial Case Study in a Safety-Critical Context
September 20, 2016July 12, 2018mrksbrg Practitioners’ Perspectives on Change Impact Analysis for Safety-Critical Software – A Preliminary Analysis
August 1, 2016July 12, 2018mrksbrg Using Text Clustering to Predict Defect Resolution Time: A Conceptual Replication and an Evaluation of Prediction Accuracy
May 3, 2016July 12, 2018mrksbrg TuneR: A Framework for Tuning Software Engineering Tools with Hands-on Instructions in R
April 11, 2016July 12, 2018mrksbrg An Industrial Survey of Safety Evidence Change Impact Analysis Practice
April 5, 2016July 12, 2018mrksbrg Towards Software Assets Origin Selection Supported by a Knowledge Repository
April 5, 2016July 13, 2018mrksbrg A Multi-Case Study of Agile Requirements Engineering and the Use of Test Cases as Requirements
March 14, 2016July 15, 2018mrksbrg Testing Quality Requirements of a System-of-Systems in the Public Sector – Challenges and Potential Remedies