March 5, 2020July 17, 2020mrksbrg Practical Relevance of Software Engineering Research: Synthesizing the Community’s Voice
September 7, 2019December 22, 2019mrksbrg Component Attributes and Their Importance in Decisions and Component Selection
August 28, 2019December 28, 2020mrksbrg Performance Analysis of Out-of-Distribution Detection on Various Trained Neural Networks
August 15, 2019December 22, 2019mrksbrg Selecting Component Sourcing Options: A Survey of Software Engineering’s Broader Make-or-Buy Decisions
April 11, 2019August 18, 2019mrksbrg Video Game Development in a Rush: A Survey of the Global Game Jam Participants
January 31, 2019August 18, 2019mrksbrg Safely Entering the Deep: A Review of Verification and Validation for Machine Learning and a Challenge Elicitation in the Automotive Industry
October 24, 2016July 12, 2018mrksbrg Supporting Change Impact Analysis Using a Recommendation System: An Industrial Case Study in a Safety-Critical Context
August 1, 2016July 12, 2018mrksbrg Using Text Clustering to Predict Defect Resolution Time: A Conceptual Replication and an Evaluation of Prediction Accuracy
May 3, 2016July 12, 2018mrksbrg TuneR: A Framework for Tuning Software Engineering Tools with Hands-on Instructions in R